Оно, Такаси (дзюдоист). Дзюдоист оно
Оно, Такаси (дзюдоист) — Википедия (с комментариями)
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Эта статья о дзюдоисте; о пятикратном олимпийском чемпионе по гимнастике см.: Оно, Такаси.Такаси Оно | |
Такаси Оно | |
до 81 кг | |
Така́си О́но (род. 25 июня 1980(19800625)) — японский дзюдоист, двукратный призёр чемпионатов мира, чемпион Азии 2005 года и победитель Азиатских игр 2010 года.
Японский дзюдоист, выступавший в трех весовых категориях: -81, -90 и -100 кг. Победитель чемпионата Азии 2005 года в весовой категории -81 кг.
С начальной школы занимался дзюдо вместе с другим известным дзюдоистом Кэйдзи Судзуки. После окончания школы обучался в университете Цукуба. Состоит в клубе Ryotokuji Gakuen, где его соклубниками являются Юсукэ Канамару, Томоо Тории, Масатоси Тобицука и бывший чемпион Азии Юта Ядзаки.
Выиграл все японские чемпионаты в период 2008-2010 и, будучи фаворитом на чемпионате мира 2010 в Токио, проиграл в третьей встрече бывшему олимпийскому чемпиону Илиасу Илиадису. Любимым приемом является учимата (бросок подхватом под одну ногу), также хорошо владеет техниками моротэ сеоинагэ (бросок через плечо с захватом ворота и рукава) и оучигари (зацеп изнутри). В 2009-2010 годах Оно считался одним из самых динамичных и зрелищных спортсменов в мире. Он проиграл Масаши Нишияме место в сборной Японии в весовой категории -90 кг перед отправкой на Олимпийские игры 2012 года в Лондоне.
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- [www.fujitv.co.jp/sports/judo2005/member/member_m81.html/ Fuji Television]
- [www.ryotokuji.ac.jp/HP/judoHP/html/ryotoku-buin.html/ Ryotokuji Gakuen]
- [www.judoinside.com/judoka/view/6350// Статистика международных выступлений (англ.)]
Отрывок, характеризующий Оно, Такаси (дзюдоист)
– Les brigands sont partout, [Эти разбойники везде.] – отвечал офицер из за костра. Долохов сказал, что казаки страшны только для таких отсталых, как он с товарищем, но что на большие отряды казаки, вероятно, не смеют нападать, прибавил он вопросительно. Никто ничего не ответил. «Ну, теперь он уедет», – всякую минуту думал Петя, стоя перед костром и слушая его разговор. Но Долохов начал опять прекратившийся разговор и прямо стал расспрашивать, сколько у них людей в батальоне, сколько батальонов, сколько пленных. Спрашивая про пленных русских, которые были при их отряде, Долохов сказал: – La vilaine affaire de trainer ces cadavres apres soi. Vaudrait mieux fusiller cette canaille, [Скверное дело таскать за собой эти трупы. Лучше бы расстрелять эту сволочь.] – и громко засмеялся таким странным смехом, что Пете показалось, французы сейчас узнают обман, и он невольно отступил на шаг от костра. Никто не ответил на слова и смех Долохова, и французский офицер, которого не видно было (он лежал, укутавшись шинелью), приподнялся и прошептал что то товарищу. Долохов встал и кликнул солдата с лошадьми. «Подадут или нет лошадей?» – думал Петя, невольно приближаясь к Долохову. Лошадей подали. – Bonjour, messieurs, [Здесь: прощайте, господа.] – сказал Долохов. Петя хотел сказать bonsoir [добрый вечер] и не мог договорить слова. Офицеры что то шепотом говорили между собою. Долохов долго садился на лошадь, которая не стояла; потом шагом поехал из ворот. Петя ехал подле него, желая и не смея оглянуться, чтоб увидать, бегут или не бегут за ними французы. Выехав на дорогу, Долохов поехал не назад в поле, а вдоль по деревне. В одном месте он остановился, прислушиваясь. – Слышишь? – сказал он. Петя узнал звуки русских голосов, увидал у костров темные фигуры русских пленных. Спустившись вниз к мосту, Петя с Долоховым проехали часового, который, ни слова не сказав, мрачно ходил по мосту, и выехали в лощину, где дожидались казаки. – Ну, теперь прощай. Скажи Денисову, что на заре, по первому выстрелу, – сказал Долохов и хотел ехать, но Петя схватился за него рукою. – Нет! – вскрикнул он, – вы такой герой. Ах, как хорошо! Как отлично! Как я вас люблю. – Хорошо, хорошо, – сказал Долохов, но Петя не отпускал его, и в темноте Долохов рассмотрел, что Петя нагибался к нему. Он хотел поцеловаться. Долохов поцеловал его, засмеялся и, повернув лошадь, скрылся в темноте.Оно, Такаси (дзюдоист) - WikiVisually
1. Оно, Такаси – Takashi Ono is a retired Japanese gymnast. He competed at the 1952,1956,1960 and 1964 Olympics and won five gold, four silver, Ono was the flag bearer for Japan at the 1960 Olympics, and took the Olympic Oath at the 1964 Games. In 1998 he was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame, in 1958 he married Kiyoko Ono, a fellow Olympic gymnast. They have two sons and three daughters, the first two children were born between 1961 and 1963 while both parents were actively competing, List of multiple Olympic medalists at a single Games List of multiple Olympic medalists List of Olympic medal leaders in mens gymnastics
2. Япония – Japan is a sovereign island nation in Eastern Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies off the eastern coast of the Asia Mainland and stretches from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea, the kanji that make up Japans name mean sun origin. 日 can be read as ni and means sun while 本 can be read as hon, or pon, Japan is often referred to by the famous epithet Land of the Rising Sun in reference to its Japanese name. Japan is an archipelago consisting of about 6,852 islands. The four largest are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku, the country is divided into 47 prefectures in eight regions. Hokkaido being the northernmost prefecture and Okinawa being the southernmost one, the population of 127 million is the worlds tenth largest. Japanese people make up 98. 5% of Japans total population, approximately 9.1 million people live in the city of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Archaeological research indicates that Japan was inhabited as early as the Upper Paleolithic period, the first written mention of Japan is in Chinese history texts from the 1st century AD. Influence from other regions, mainly China, followed by periods of isolation, from the 12th century until 1868, Japan was ruled by successive feudal military shoguns who ruled in the name of the Emperor. Japan entered into a period of isolation in the early 17th century. The Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937 expanded into part of World War II in 1941, which came to an end in 1945 following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan is a member of the UN, the OECD, the G7, the G8, the country has the worlds third-largest economy by nominal GDP and the worlds fourth-largest economy by purchasing power parity. It is also the worlds fourth-largest exporter and fourth-largest importer, although Japan has officially renounced its right to declare war, it maintains a modern military with the worlds eighth-largest military budget, used for self-defense and peacekeeping roles. Japan is a country with a very high standard of living. Its population enjoys the highest life expectancy and the third lowest infant mortality rate in the world, in ancient China, Japan was called Wo 倭. It was mentioned in the third century Chinese historical text Records of the Three Kingdoms in the section for the Wei kingdom, Wa became disliked because it has the connotation of the character 矮, meaning dwarf. The 倭 kanji has been replaced with the homophone Wa, meaning harmony, the Japanese word for Japan is 日本, which is pronounced Nippon or Nihon and literally means the origin of the sun. The earliest record of the name Nihon appears in the Chinese historical records of the Tang dynasty, at the start of the seventh century, a delegation from Japan introduced their country as Nihon
3. Хигасихиросима – Higashihiroshima is a city located in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. 2016 the city has an population of 185,418. The total area is 635.32 km², Higashihiroshima is a university town of Hiroshima University. Higashihiroshima is adjacent to Hiroshima, and so forms a commuter town of Hiroshima. From old times, Higashihiroshima is famous for making sake and along the Sakagura Dōri area near JR Saijō Station are the Namako wall, an annual sake matsuri is held every October. The city was founded on April 20,1974 from the merger of the four towns of Saijō, Hachihonmatsu, Shiwa, in 1992, the population reached 100,000. On February 7,2005, the towns of Kurose, Kōchi, Toyosaka and Fukutomi, Higashihiroshima City official website Higashihiroshima City official website
4. Хиросима (префектура) – Hiroshima Prefecture is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūgoku region on Honshu island. The capital is the city of Hiroshima and it has a population of around 2.8 million. The area around Hiroshima was formerly divided into Bingo Province and Aki Province and this location has been a center of trade and culture since the beginning of Japans recorded history. Hiroshima is a center of the Chūgoku region and was the seat of the Mōri clan until the Battle of Sekigahara. Hiroshima prefecture lies in the middle of Chūgoku, most of the prefecture consists of mountains leading towards Shimane Prefecture, and rivers produce rich plains near the coast. The province faces Shikoku across the Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima Bay opens on the Inland Sea. The prefecture also includes small islands. The sheltered nature of the Inland Sea makes Hiroshimas climate very mild, fourteen cities are located in Hiroshima Prefecture, These are the towns in each district, Hiroshimas main industries include automobiles and shipbuilding. ISBN 978-0-674-01753-5, OCLC58053128 Official Hiroshima Prefecture homepage Life in Hiroshima, Hiroshima map National Archives of Japan, Itsukushima kakei, illustrated scroll describing Itsukushima, text by Kaibara Ekiken
5. Дзюдо – Judo was created as a physical, mental and moral pedagogy in Japan, in 1882, by Jigoro Kano. It is generally categorized as a martial art which later evolved into a combat. Strikes and thrusts by hands and feet as well as defenses are a part of judo. A judo practitioner is called a judoka, the philosophy and subsequent pedagogy developed for judo became the model for other modern Japanese martial arts that developed from koryū. The early history of judo is inseparable from its founder, Japanese polymath and educator Kanō Jigorō, Kano was born into a relatively affluent family. His father, Jirosaku, was the son of the head priest of the Shinto Hiyoshi shrine in Shiga Prefecture. He married Sadako Kano, daughter of the owner of Kiku-Masamune sake brewing company and was adopted by the family and he ultimately became an official in the Shogunal government. Jigoro Kano had an academic upbringing and, from the age of seven, he studied English, shodō, when he was fourteen, Kano began boarding at an English-medium school, Ikuei-Gijuku in Shiba, Tokyo. The culture of bullying endemic at this school was the catalyst that caused Kano to seek out a Jūjutsu dōjō at which to train, early attempts to find a jujutsu teacher who was willing to take him on met with little success. With the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate in the Meiji Restoration of 1868, many of those who had once taught the art had been forced out of teaching or become so disillusioned with it that they had simply given up. Nakai Umenari, an acquaintance of Kanōs father and a soldier, agreed to show him kata. The caretaker of Jirosakus second house, Katagiri Ryuji, also knew jujutsu, Another frequent visitor, Imai Genshiro of Kyūshin-ryū school of jujutsu, also refused. Several years passed before he found a willing teacher. In 1877, as a student at the Tokyo-Kaisei school, Kano learned that many jujutsu teachers had been forced to pursue alternative careers, frequently opening Seikotsu-in. After inquiring at a number of these, Kano was referred to Fukuda Hachinosuke, a teacher of the Tenjin Shinyō-ryū of jujutsu, Fukuda is said to have emphasized technique over formal exercise, sowing the seeds of Kanos emphasis on randori in judo. On Fukudas death in 1880, Kano, who had become his keenest and most able student in both randori and kata, was given the densho of the Fukuda dojo, Kano chose to continue his studies at another Tenjin Shinyō-ryū school, that of Iso Masatomo. Iso placed more emphasis on the practice of kata, and entrusted randori instruction to assistants, Iso died in June 1881 and Kano went on to study at the dojo of Iikubo Tsunetoshi of Kitō-ryū. Like Fukuda, Iikubo placed much emphasis on randori, with Kitō-ryū having a focus on nage-waza
6. Чемпионат мира по дзюдо – The World Judo Championships are the highest level of international judo competition, along with the Olympic judo competition. The championships are held every year by the International Judo Federation. Team competitions have also held since 1994. The mens championships began in 1956, though the format and periodicity of the championships have changed over time, the last edition of the championships took place in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2015. The first edition of the championships took place in Tokyo. There were no classes at the time and Japanese judoka Shokichi Natsui became the first world champion in history. The second world championship was held in Tokyo two years later, with the Japanese winning the top two spots in the competition for the second time. The 1965 World Judo Championships were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and weight classes were implemented for the first time with the addition of the -68 kg, -80 kg, and +80 kg categories. Judo had become an Olympic sport at the 1964 Summer Olympics held in Tokyo, despite this progressive enlargement, it took until 1980 for women to participate in the world championships. The mixed championships have been held biannually since 1987, in 2005, the world championships made its debut on the African continent in Cairo, Egypt. In the International Judo Federation meeting held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2007, there are currently 16 tournaments in the world championships, with 8 weight classes for each gender. The world championships have been held in every continent except Oceania, all-time medal count as 2015 World Judo Championships. Kosovo is the subject of a dispute between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia. The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February 2008, the two governments began to normalise relations in 2013, as part of the Brussels Agreement. Kosovo has received recognition as an independent state from 111 out of 193 United Nations member states. The World Judo Championships team competition began in 1994, womens competition began in 1997, and after 1998 it was held once every four years until 2006. The competition will be held every year from 2007, judoka who participate in the individual world championships often do not participate in the team competition. judoinside. com/judoka/statsgen http, //www. judobase. org/
7. Азиатские игры – The Asian Games, also known as Asiad, is a Pancontinental multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The Games were regulated by the Asian Games Federation from the first Games in New Delhi, India, since the 1982 Games they have been organized by the Olympic Council of Asia, after the breakup of the Asian Games Federation. The Games are recognized by the International Olympic Committee and are described as the second largest multi-sport event after the Olympic Games, in its history, nine nations have hosted the Asian Games. Forty-six nations have participated in the Games, including Israel, which was excluded from the Games after their last participation in 1974. The most recent games was held in Incheon, South Korea from 19 September to 4 October 2014, while the games will be held in Jakarta and Palembang. The Far Eastern Games were first held in Manila in 1913 with 6 participating nations, ten more Far Eastern Games were held until 1934. Consequently, the Far Eastern Games scheduled for 1938 were cancelled, after World War II, a number of Asian countries became independent. During the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, a conversation between sportsmen from China and the Philippines raised the idea of restoring the Far Eastern Games. As a result, he proposed to sports leaders the idea of having a new competition – which came to be the Asian Games. This led to an agreement to form the Asian Athletic Federation, a preparatory committee was then set up to draft the charter for this new body. Starting in 1962, the Games were hit by several crises, first, the host country Indonesia, refused to permit the participation of Israel and Taiwan due to political and religious issues. As a result, the IOC removed its sponsorship of the Games, the Asian Football Confederation, International Amateur Athletics Federation and International Weightlifting Federation, also removed their recognition of the Games. Prior to the Games, Japan was asked to host the Games and this edition also marked the first time the Games have a television broadcasting throughout the world. In Tehran, in 1974, the Games formally recognized the participation of China, North Korea, the last is 1978, Pakistan dropped its plan to host the Games in 1975 due to financial crisis and political issues. Thailand offered to help and the Games were once held in Bangkok. However, once again, like in 1962, Taiwan and Israel were refused the participation by Games Federation, amid political issues and security fears. Several governing bodies protested against the ban, like IAAF, threatened to bar the players from 1980 Summer Olympics. Following this series of crises, the National Olympic Committee in Asia decided to revise the constitution of the Asian Games Federation, a new association, named the Olympic Council of Asia, was created in November 1981 with the exclusion of Israel
8. Летние Азиатские игры 2006 – Doha was the first city in its region and only the second in West Asia to host the games. It was the first time that all 45 member nations of the Olympic Council of Asia took part in this event, also, Eurosport broadcast the event, marking the first time that the European continent could watch this Asian sporting event. The final medal tally was led by China followed by South Korea, several world and Asian records were broken during the games. On November 12,2000, voting for the 2006 venue took place in Busan, the voting involved the 41 members of the Olympic Council of Asia and consisted of three rounds, each round eliminating one of the bidding cities. After the first round, New Delhi was eliminated, with two votes. The second round of voting, with three remaining candidates, gave Doha as the result, under the regulations of the OCA, a candidate which gains half of the available votes will automatically be selected as the host, and the remaining rounds of voting will be cancelled. When Doha gained 22 out of 41 votes this meant they were selected to host the 2006 Asian Games, most of Qatars votes came from the unanimous support from West Asian countries. After the major upset, Malaysia and Hong Kong, China expressed their disappointment, Malaysia said that the selection of Doha was ridiculous and that the selection of Doha was influenced by Qatars economic wealth. The torch relay has been integral to the Asian Games since 1958, the plans for the Doha 2006 torch relay were revealed by the Doha Asian Games Organising Committee on January 20,2006. The relay itself started on October 8,2006 with a ceremony at the Doha Golf Club Flame of Hospitality. With the involvement of over 3000 persons, the torch crossed eight former Asian Games host countries, the first pit stop was in New Delhi on October 11,2006. In total the relay passed through 13 countries and 23 cities, the relay, which has a distance of 50,000 kilometres in 55 days, is the longest relay in the history of the Asian Games. The Doha Asian Games Organising Committee chose Orry, a Qatari Oryx, al-Arabi Sports Club Fencing, football, rugby sevens. The yellow boxes represent days during which medal-awarding finals for a sport were held, the opening ceremony was directed by David Atkins, who conducted the 2000 Summer Olympics opener. The opening ceremony presented the culture of the Arab World as well as other Asian cultures, the ceremony ended with the lighting of the torch on the Aspire Tower. The sport events contested at the 2006 Asian Games are listed below, officially there are 46 disciplines from 38 sports in contention. All events listed started after the opening ceremony except Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Table tennis, and Volleyball, which had preliminaries before the opening ceremony. South Korean equestrian athlete Kim Hyung-chil died after falling off his horse on the morning of December 7 during the cross country competition which took place in the rain, the accident occurred at jump number eight during the cross-country stage of the three-day eventing competition
9. Летние Азиатские игры 2010 – The 2010 Asian Games, also known as the XVI Asiad, was a multi-sport event celebrated in Guangzhou, China from November 12 to 27,2010. Guangzhou was the second Chinese city to host the Games, after Beijing in 1990, a total of 9,704 athletes from 45 National Olympic Committees competed in 476 events from 42 sports and disciplines, making it the largest event in the history of the Games. Due to reductions in the number of sports to be contested for the 2014 Asian Games, the Games were co-hosted by Dongguan, Foshan and Shanwei, the three neighbouring cities. A total of 53 venues were used to host the events including 11 constructed for use at the Games, the final medal tally was led by China, followed by South Korea and third place Japan. China set a new Games record with 199 gold medals, three World and 103 Asian records were broken. In addition, the mens singles gold medalist Lin Dan was voted as most valuable player. The President of Olympic Council of Asia Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah hailed the Games as outstanding, though there were several controversies, the games were deemed generally successful with the rising standard of competition amongst the Asian nations. The Olympic Council of Asia selected Guangzhou to host the 2010 Games at their 23rd general assembly session in Doha, Qatar, site of the 2006 Asian Games, on July 1,2004. Seoul and Amman dropped out before their bids were selected by the OCA. Seoul withdrew after considering the short span of time between 2002 and 2010, as South Korea hosted the 2002 Games in Busan, evaluation committee of the OCA, headed by the then vice-president of the association Celso Dayrit inspected both the final bidders. The official emblem of the Games was unveiled at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall on November 26,2006 and it is a stylized representation of Guangzhous Statue of the Five Goats fused with a running track. The goat, in Chinese tradition, is a blessing and brings people luck while the host city Guangzhou is known as the City of Goats, the orange and yellow emblem also resembles a flame. The mascots of the Games were the five sporty rams and they were unveiled on April 28,2008 at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention and Exhibition Center. The five rams, including four small with one large, were named– A Xiang, A He, A Ru, A Yi, the official theme song was released on September 30,2010, and is called Reunion. It was composed by Wu Liqun, with lyrics written by Xu Rongkai, while the English version was translated by Chen Ning Yang, a Chinese-American physicist, the song was also performed by Sun Nan and Bella Yao. Sun Nan then performed it again with Mao Amin for a music video, in March 2009, the director of the marketing department of the Games, Fang Da’er, claimed that the Games were short of funds, due to lack of sponsorship and the global financial crisis. An informal estimate put the Games expenditure at about US$420 million, the full spending details would be released before 2013, according to the citys finance chief Zhang Jieming. A total of 53 competition venues and 17 training venues were used for the Games, events took place at 42 pre-existing venues, eleven competition venues and one training venues were constructed for the Games, while the rest were renovated
Йоко Оно и дзюдо | Euronews
Японец Сёхэй Оно против азербайджанца Рустама Оруджева. У поклонников дзюдо при просмотре этого поединка может возникнуть ощущение дежавю. Именно эти два дзюдоиста сошлись в финале Олимпиады в Бразилии. И сейчас на турнире "Большого шлема" в Дюссельдорфе, как и полтора года назад в Рио, удача была на стороне японца. Сёхэй Оно хватило полутора минут, чтобы одолеть противника.
Больше года Сёхэй Оно не участвовал в турнирах. Исключением стал "Большой шлем" в Токио. На домашних соревнованиях этот дзюдоист остался без медали, но сумел доказать, что может быстро вернуться в нужную форму.
"Некоторое время я не выходил на татами, но я продолжал изучать этот вид спорта. На дзюдо можно смотреть с позиции спортсмена, но есть еще и технический аспект. Для меня очень важно было научиться смотреть на дзюдо с двух точек зрения. И я понял, что благодаря этому я могу вырасти и как атлет".
Словенка Андреа Лески вышла победительницей из схватки с японкой Мегуми Цугане. В самом начале дня внимание было приковано к другой словенке - олимпийской чемпионке и второму номеру мирового рейтинга Тине Трстеняк. Но она выбыла из борьбы уже после первого поединка. И в итоге сюрприз преподнесла Лески. Для нее это первое "золото" турнира, который проводит Международная федерация.
"Здорово! Для меня это новые ощущения. Лучший результат в моей карьере. Главное, я смогла убедить саму себя, что это будет мой день. И все получилось именно так! Действительно мой день!"
Йоко Оно – так зовут обладательницу золотой медали в категории до 70 килограммов. В финале японка сразилась с восьмым номером мирового рейтинга хорваткой Барбарой Матич. Уже через полторы минуты дзюдоистка из Страны восходящего солнца заработала оценку "иппон". Для Оно это четвертая победа подряд.
Медаль высшей пробы для иранской сборной заработал Саид Моллаи, который выступает в категории до 81 килограмма. В заключительной схватке он вышел на татами против француза Альфа Умара Джало. Для иранца это первое "золото" соревнований, которые проводит Международная федерация.
Немецкие зрители замерли в ожидании медалей. Марлин Галанди вступает в борьбу за "бронзу" с голландкой Санной Ван Дейк. Но порадовать своих поклонников немецкой дзюдоистке не удается. "Иппон" – и медаль отправляется в Нидерланды.
Правда, вскоре другой спортсмен из Германии Доминик Рессел смог исправить ситуацию. В поединке за третье место он одолел бельгийца Маттиаса Касса. Еще одну "бронзу" в категории до 81 килограмма завоевал россиянин Аслан Лаппинагов.
Самым напряженным в этот день получился поединок между армянином Фердинандом Карапетяном и монголом Одбаяром Ганбаатаром. На татами они провели больше девяти минут. В итоге бронзовая награда отправляется в Армению.