Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай). Баскетбол мужчины китай nbl

Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай) - это... Что такое Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай)?

Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай)
Вид спорта Баскетбол
Основание 2004
Страна Китай
Количество команд 10
Действующий победитель «Цзянсу Тунси»
Сайт http://www.CBA.gov.cn

Национальная баскетбольная лига (NBL) (кит. 全国男子篮球联赛) — китайская полупрофессиональная баскетбольная мужская лига, второй дивизион. Высшим дивизионом является Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация. До 2005 года носила название Китайская баскетбольная лига. Английское сокращение NBL в Китае используется чаще, чем китайское название.

История создания

Лига была создана в 2004 году, соревнования начались в апреле. С этого периода времени восемь команд выигрывали плэй-офф:

  • Юньнань Буллз (Юнань Хунхэ) (云南红河奔牛)
  • Инкоу Дунхуа (营口东华沈部)
  • Хэбэй Цзидун (河北冀东水泥)
  • Сычуань Шидай Бинчуань (四川时代冰川)
  • Шаньси Чжунъюй (Шаньси Юйцзинь) (山西宇晋)
  • Хэйлунцзян Дацин (黑龙江大庆)
  • Дунгуань Леопардс (Гуандун Нью Сенчури) (广东东莞新世纪)
  • Тяньцзинь Жунган (天津男子篮球队)

4 августа 2004 года команда «Юньнань» победила «Гуандун Нью Сенчури», стала первым чемпионом лиги и получила возможность в сезоне 2004-05 годов выступать в КБА.

В 2010 году лига была разделена на две группы — А и Б (всего в турнире принимало участие 18 команд). В первой части турнира проводился регулярный чемпионат, в котором команды играли друг с другом два раза. Первые четыре команды из каждой группы переходили в серию плэй-офф, где 1-я команда встречалась в 8-й, 2-я — с 7-й и т. д. На первом этапе участие легионеров запрещено, в стадии плэй-офф в каждой команде может быть на поле один легионер.[1]

Одним из требований для участия в турнире было наличие уставного капитала в размере 200 млн. юаней, а также наличие собственной арены (зала), тренировочного комплекса и т. д. Это давало гарантию выступлений в высшей лиге при завоевании чемпионского титула[2].

Победители турнира

Год Чемпион
2011 Цзянсу Тунси
2010 Цзянсу Тунси
2009 Дунгуань Бонин
2008 Гуандун Фэнлюй
2007 Тяньцзинь Жунган
2006 Чжэцзян Гуанша
2005 Дунгуань Синь Шицзе
2004 Юньнань Хунхэ

Команды чемпионата 2012

  • Нанькин Арми
  • Хэнань Цзиъюань
  • Гуанчжоу Лю Суй Вампо
  • Цзинь Цян Сычуань
  • Гуанчжоу Фримэн
  • Чангань Гуанчжоу
  • Хэбэй Спрингс
  • Гонконг Буллз
  • Хэйлунцзян Чжаочжоу Фэн Шэнь
  • Команда Цзянсу

См. также


  Мужские профессиональные баскетбольные лиги Азия Америка Африка Европа Океания
Континентальные турниры Региональные турниры
Кубок чемпионов ФИБА Азия
Баскетбольная Лига АСЕАН · Кубок Чемпионов ВАБА
Индонезия · Иран · Казахстан · Китай (КБА · НБЛ) · Ливан · Малайзия · Тайвань · Филиппины (ФБА · ФБЛ) · Южная Корея · Япония (bj лига · ЯБЛ)
Австралия · Новая Зеландия


Статистика | Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан | Баскетбол

Последние игры Гуйчжоу Сэньхан:
ДатаХозяева - ГостиСчёт
10.06.18Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан111:114 (18:31, 39:25, 26:28, 28:30)
01.09.17Аньхой Вэньи - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан111:97 (31:24, 38:25, 24:22, 18:26)
30.08.17Аньхой Вэньи - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан131:111 (39:24, 34:21, 24:37, 34:29)
Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Аньхой Вэньи
85:109 (20:25, 23:33, 20:33, 22:18)
23.08.17Лхаса - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан124:105 (43:24, 26:23, 25:27, 30:31)
Последние игры Гуан Си Вэйчжуан:
ДатаХозяева - ГостиСчёт
10.06.18Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан111:114 (18:31, 39:25, 26:28, 28:30)
27.08.17Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Хэнань114:102 (37:21, 28:31, 30:26, 19:24)
23.08.17Фуцзянь Лайтнинг - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан107:120 (27:36, 21:31, 34:24, 25:29)
16.08.17Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Бэйцзин92:68 (32:18, 23:12, 20:15, 17:23)
13.08.17Хунань Юншэн - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан85:98 (19:27, 24:24, 21:23, 21:24)
Очные встречи:
ДатаХозяева - ГостиСчёт
10.06.18Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан111:114 (18:31, 39:25, 26:28, 28:30)
20.08.17Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан127:114 (31:39, 33:24, 33:23, 30:28)
21.07.17Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан98:104 (31:20, 22:21, 25:23, 20:40)
06.07.16Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан101:106 (27:22, 20:29, 25:30, 29:25)
05.06.16Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан83:102 (25:32, 18:24, 22:27, 18:19)
09.09.15Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан111:85 (30:17, 12:32, 37:17, 32:19)
Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан
90:105 (24:16, 24:36, 18:24, 24:29)
21.08.15Гуан Си Вэйчжуан - Гуйчжоу Сэньхан116:117 (28:30, 22:27, 32:28, 34:32)
26.07.15Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан98:86 (20:20, 34:26, 28:20, 16:20)
04.07.14Гуйчжоу Сэньхан - Гуан Си Вэйчжуан94:97 (23:21, 13:18, 34:24, 24:34)


Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай) - WikiVisually

1. Баскетбол – Basketball is a non-contact team sport played on a rectangular court by two teams of five players each. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches in diameter and 10 feet high that is mounted to a backboard at each end of the court. The game was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, a team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket being defended by the opposition team during regular play. A field goal scores three points for the team if the player shoots from behind the three-point line. A team can also score via free throws, which are worth one point, the team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time is mandated when the score is tied at the end of regulation. The ball can be advanced on the court by passing it to a teammate and it is a violation to lift, or drag, ones pivot foot without dribbling the ball, to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands then resume dribbling. The game has many techniques for displaying skill—ball-handling, shooting, passing, dribbling, dunking, shot-blocking. The point guard directs the on court action of the team, implementing the coachs game plan, Basketball is one of the worlds most popular and widely viewed sports. Outside North America, the top clubs from national leagues qualify to continental championships such as the Euroleague, the FIBA Basketball World Cup attracts the top national teams from around the world. Each continent hosts regional competitions for teams, like EuroBasket. The FIBA Womens Basketball World Cup features the top womens basketball teams from continental championships. The main North American league is the WNBA, whereas the EuroLeague Women has been dominated by teams from the Russian Womens Basketball Premier League, in early December 1891, Canadian Dr. He sought a vigorous indoor game to keep his students occupied, after rejecting other ideas as either too rough or poorly suited to walled-in gymnasiums, he wrote the basic rules and nailed a peach basket onto a 10-foot elevated track. Basketball was originally played with a soccer ball and these laces could cause bounce passes and dribbling to be unpredictable. Eventually a lace-free ball construction method was invented, and this change to the game was endorsed by Naismith, dribbling was not part of the original game except for the bounce pass to teammates. Passing the ball was the means of ball movement. Dribbling was eventually introduced but limited by the shape of early balls. Dribbling only became a part of the game around the 1950s

2. Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация – The Chinese Basketball Association, often abbreviated as CBA, is the biggest professional basketball league in China. It is regarded by the pre-eminent mens professional league in Asia. The league is known by fans as the CBA. The CBA should not be confused with the Chinese Basketball Association, nor should it be confused with the National Basketball League, which is a professional minor league. There is also a Womens Chinese Basketball Association, a handful of others — Xue Yuyang, Zhou Qi, and Wang Zhelin — were drafted into the NBA but did not, or have yet to, see regular season action on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Only a limited number of players are allowed on each CBA team. R. The CBA began play in the 1995–96 season, the league should not be confused with the Chinese Basketball Association, which was founded in June 1956 and represents the country in matters involving the sports governing body, FIBA. Basketball in China is currently regulated by the Chinese Basketball Management Center, other Chinese basketball leagues include the National Basketball League, the Chinese University Basketball Association, and the Chinese High School Basketball League. At one time there was a called the Chinese New Basketball Alliance, one of whose most prominent teams was the Beijing Sea Lions. The first non-Chinese player to compete in the CBA was Mihail Savinkov of Uzbekistan, the CBAs first international coach was American Robert Hoggard, who led the Sichuan Pandas for the last eight games of the 1997–98 campaign. For a full list of teams, see Category, Chinese Basketball Association teams, the full name of each team usually consists of three parts, in the following order, A geographic designation. This sponsor may change year to year, and sometimes even in mid-season. A nickname, such as the name of an animal, the presence of corporate sponsor names can occasionally lead to confusion about what name to use in English because many variants may be seen. Team names are abbreviated, so that either the corporate sponsor name or the nickname is used interchangeably. In addition, team nicknames can sometimes be translated into English in more than one way, nickname changes are rare, but occasionally happen, such as when the Shandong team switched from Flaming Bulls to Lions to Gold Lions to Golden Stars. In previous years, the title of the league itself was available for corporate naming sponsorship, in 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 it was known as the Hilton League, in 2001–2002 and 2002–2003 it was the Motorola League, and in 2003–2004 it was sponsored by China Unicom. These corporate league titles were not always used in the media, however. While teams are listed by division here, the CBA does not use these designations for regular season scheduling anymore, as each squad now plays each other once at home and once on the road

3. Китайский юань – The renminbi /ˌrɛnmɪnˈbiː/ is the official currency of the Peoples Republic of China. The yuan is the unit of the renminbi, but is also used to refer to the Chinese currency in general. The distinction between the terms renminbi and yuan is similar to that between sterling and pound, which refer to the British currency and its primary unit. One yuan is subdivided into 10 jiao, and a jiao in turn is subdivided into 10 fen, the ISO code for renminbi is CNY, or also CNH when traded in off-shore markets such as Hong Kong. The currency is often abbreviated RMB, or indicated by the yuan sign ¥, in Chinese texts the currency may also be indicated with the Chinese character for the yuan, 圆. The renminbi is legal tender in mainland China, but not in Hong Kong or Macau, renminbi is sometimes accepted in Hong Kong and Macau, and are easily exchanged in the two territories, with banks in Hong Kong allowing people to maintain accounts in RMB. The currency is issued by the Peoples Bank of China, the authority of China. Until 2005, the value of the renminbi was pegged to the US dollar and it has previously been claimed that the renminbis official exchange rate was undervalued by as much as 37. 5% against its purchasing power parity. Since 2006, the exchange rate has been allowed to float in a narrow margin around a fixed base rate determined with reference to a basket of world currencies. The Chinese government has announced that it gradually increase the flexibility of the exchange rate. As a result of the rapid internationalization of the renminbi, it became the worlds 8th most traded currency in 2013, and 5th in 2015. On 1 October 2016, the RMB became the first emerging market currency to be included in the IMFs special drawing rights basket, a variety of currencies circulated in China during the Republic of China era, most of which were denominated in the unit yuán. Each was distinguished by a name, such as the fabi, the gold yuan. During the era of the economy, the value of the renminbi was set to unrealistic values in exchange with western currency. The unrealistic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a black market in currency transactions. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, China worked to make the RMB more convertible, through the use of swap centres, the exchange rate was brought to realistic levels and the dual track currency system was abolished. As of 2013, the renminbi is convertible on current accounts, the ultimate goal has been to make the RMB fully convertible. From 1949 until the late 1970s, the state fixed Chinas exchange rate at a highly overvalued level as part of the countrys import -substitution strategy

4. Национальная баскетбольная ассоциация – The National Basketball Association is the major mens professional basketball league in North America, and is widely considered to be the premier mens professional basketball league in the world. It has 30 teams, and is a member of USA Basketball. The NBA is one of the four professional sports leagues in the United States. NBA players are the worlds best paid athletes by average annual salary per player, the league was founded in New York City on June 6,1946, as the Basketball Association of America. The league adopted the name National Basketball Association on August 3,1949, the leagues several international as well as individual team offices are directed out of its head offices located in the Olympic Tower at 645 Fifth Avenue in New York City. NBA Entertainment and NBA TV studios are directed out of offices located in Secaucus, the Basketball Association of America was founded in 1946 by owners of the major ice hockey arenas in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and Canada. On November 1,1946, in Toronto, Canada, the Toronto Huskies hosted the New York Knickerbockers at Maple Leaf Gardens, the first basket was made by Ossie Schectman of the Knickerbockers. During its early years, the quality of play in the BAA was not significantly better than in competing leagues or among leading independent clubs such as the Harlem Globetrotters. For instance, the 1948 ABL finalist Baltimore Bullets moved to the BAA and won that leagues 1948 title, Following the 1948–49 season, the BAA took in the remainder of the NBL, Syracuse, Anderson, Tri-Cities, Sheboygan, Denver, and Waterloo. The new league had seventeen franchises located in a mix of large and small cities, as well as arenas and smaller gymnasiums. The process of contraction saw the leagues smaller-city franchises move to larger cities, the Hawks shifted from the Tri-Cities to Milwaukee in 1951, and then to St. Louis in 1955. The Rochester Royals moved from Rochester, New York, to Cincinnati in 1957, japanese-American Wataru Misaka broke the NBA color barrier in the 1947–48 season when he played for the New York Knicks. He remained the only player in league history prior to the first African-American, Harold Hunter. During this period, the Minneapolis Lakers, led by center George Mikan, won five NBA Championships, to encourage shooting and discourage stalling, the league introduced the 24-second shot clock in 1954. If a team does not attempt to score a goal within 24 seconds of obtaining the ball, play is stopped. In 1957, rookie center Bill Russell joined the Boston Celtics, who already featured guard Bob Cousy and coach Red Auerbach, and went on to lead the club to eleven NBA titles in thirteen seasons. Center Wilt Chamberlain entered the league with the Warriors in 1959 and became a dominant individual star of the 1960s, russells rivalry with Chamberlain became one of the greatest rivalries in the history of American team sports. The 1960s were dominated by the Celtics, led by Russell, Bob Cousy and coach Red Auerbach, Boston won eight straight championships in the NBA from 1959 to 1966

5. Лига развития НБА – The NBA Development League, or NBA D-League, is the National Basketball Associations official minor league basketball organization. Known until the summer of 2005 as the National Basketball Development League, at the conclusion of the 2013–14 NBA season, 33% of NBA players had spent time in the NBA D-League, up from 23% in 2011. Beginning in the 2016–17 season, the league consists of 22 teams, in the 2017–18 season, the league will rebrand to become the NBA Gatorade League as part of multiyear partnership with Gatorade and its parent company, PepsiCo. The league began its play as the NBDL in the 2001–02 season, in 2005, some of these teams were purchased by private owners and relocated—at the same time the leagues name was changed—in a bid to appeal to more fans nationwide. As a result, franchises were established in or moved to Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Florida, in February 2006, the D-League expanded to California for the first time with the addition of the Bakersfield Jam. Shortly after, the league announced expansion teams in the Anaheim Arsenal, the D-Fenders became the first D-League team to be directly owned by an NBA parent team, the Los Angeles Lakers. However, the westward expansion contributed to the contraction of the NBA-owned Roanoke Dazzle and Fayetteville Patriots for that season, the Florida Flame suspended operations due to arena scheduling difficulties. After the 2006–07 season, there would be no more teams in the southeastern United States until the 2016 expansion team, after the 2006 to 2009 expansions, the league membership was fairly consistent with only a few relocations and suspensions. In 2009, the Houston Rockets entered into the first single-affiliation partnership, called the hybrid model and this began a wave of NBA and D-League teams entering into single-affiliation agreements of both the hybrid and parent-team owned varieties. With more NBA involvement, the once again began to expand. By 2015, the last multiple-affiliate team, the Fort Wayne Mad Ants, was purchased by the Indiana Pacers leading to the first season where all D-League teams were affiliated with only one NBA team. As there were no longer any unaffiliated D-League teams left, the remaining NBA teams began purchasing expansion franchises or hybrid partnership teams, in 2015, the Toronto Raptors placed their own team, Raptors 905, in the Greater Toronto Area in Mississauga, Ontario. In 2016, the D-League expanded by three more NBA parent club owned teams for the largest D-League expansion since 2007, the Charlotte Hornets created the Greensboro Swarm, the Brooklyn Nets created the Long Island Nets, and the Chicago Bulls created the Windy City Bulls. In the 2017–18 season, the D-League is set to enter into a partnership with Gatorade. Currently the league is split into two Conferences, Eastern and Western, in the Eastern Conference there are there are two divisions, Atlantic and Central. The Atlantic Division includes, the Delaware 87ers, the Erie BayHawks, the Greensboro Swarm, the Long Island Nets, the Maine Red Claws, and the Westchester Knicks. The Central Division includes, the Canton Charge, the Fort Wayne Mad Ants, the Grand Rapids Drive, Raptors 905, in the Western Conference there are two divisions, Southwest and Pacific. The Southwest Division includes, the Austin Spurs, the Iowa Energy, the Oklahoma City Blue, the Rio Grande Valley Vipers, the Sioux Falls Skyforce, and the Texas Legends

6. Первая баскетбольная лига – The Premier Basketball League, often abbreviated to the PBL, is an American professional mens basketball minor league that began play in January 2008. In the past, there have been also in Canada. The league season typically operates from January to April, the PBL was formed after a number of disagreements between several former member teams of the modern American Basketball Association and ABA CEO Joe Newman. Eight of the initial ten PBL teams either played in or were slated to play in the ABA, Newman responded by using his and other shares that formed a controlling interest to remove the entire board of directors. It was on the heels of two incidents that the Nighthawks and Razorsharks ownership groups decided to found the PBL. Former Houston Rockets point guard and current NBA on TNT analyst Kenny Smith was the leagues first commissioner, during the 2008 off season, six more former ABA teams decided to move to the PBL. First, on May 9, the Manchester Millrats and the 2006–2007, then on May 20, the inactive Detroit Panthers re-activated and joined the league. And on May 21, the Quebec Kebs joined, on June 5 another team with an ABA history, the Augusta Groove, joined the league, but from the Continental Basketball Association. On June 23, the Halifax Rainmen, an ABA team the previous year, the first International Basketball League defection came on July 31 when the Battle Creek Knights joined the league. The Rochester Razorsharks went on to win their second straight PBL title after beating the Battle Creek Knights, on February 5,2009, the league removed the original ownership of the Montreal Sasquatch for non-payment of players and removed the team from the league. Montreals four best players were drafted by teams and all of the other players were given unconditional releases. However, on February 11, the announced new ownership for the team. The league also said the remaining Mid-Michigan games on the schedule would be filled by the teams in the league. The Rochester Razorsharks had to delay the game of their semi-final series. Rather than the scheduled best-of three finals series a single game final was played at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, the Battle Creek Knights, the Wilmington Sea Dawgs and the Lawton-Fort Sill Cavalry would not return for the 2010 season. The Maryland Nighthawks changed the name of their franchise to the Maryland GreenHawks, the Puerto Rico Capitanes joined the league, performing concurrently in the Baloncesto Superior Nacional. At the end of the season, the league officially severed ties with the Buffalo Stampede, the Maryland GreenHawks were also dropped from the league. The Bluegrass Stallions, another ABA team, joined, the league also added the expansion Dayton Air Strikers

7. Чемпионат Бразилии по баскетболу – Novo Basquete Brasil is the Brazilian premier professional mens basketball league. The NBB is the annual championship promoted by the national Brazilian league, the first phase of the season consists of fifteen teams playing against each other, on a home and away basis. Then the top eight teams go to the playoffs, where the top ranked team plays against the one in the place, the second from the top plays the seventh. Each playoff series is a best-of-five, apart from the championship final, in all of those, the best placed team has the home court advantage. Finally, the best placed teams in the league qualify to the FIBA Americas League, the NBB inaugural season didnt have the participation of founding-members Iguaçu, Londrina, Ulbra/Rio Claro, and Uberlândia. For the second NBB edition, the LNB confirmed the participation of 14 teams, Limeira and Bira-Lajeado could not keep their squads, thus did not join the season. On the other hand, Londrina joined the League, while an Araraquara/Palmeiras deal brought back to the competition one of the most traditional Brazilian clubs. The 15 teams from the season confirmed their participation. The third NBB edition also featured national and South American champions Uberlândia. After a one-year hiatus, Limeira returned to the League, besides that, first-timers Rio Claro and Iguaçu joined as well. For the first time, the NBB had eighteen participating teams, the three-time champion Brasília, came once again as the title favorite. But their greatest rival Flamengo, assembled a team to break this hegemony, Uberlândia emerged as one of the favorites for the title, as well as São José. The rookies were the teams of Suzano, Mogi das Cruzes, Palmeiras, of the four, the only team to qualify for the playoffs was Basquete Cearense. The last two were Tijuca and Suzano, in the playoffs, a surprise, the champions of the past three editions were eliminated in the quarterfinals by São José. In the semifinals, Flamengo eliminated São José 3–2, and Uberlândia swept Bauru by 3–0, the final, played in one game in Rio de Janeiro, was won by the super-team of Flamengo, who after four years, won their second title of the NBB. When he moved to Limeira and after to Brasília He continued to be pursued by the fans, after the creation of NBB and the organization of Brazilian basketball, these rivalries have intensified. The rivalry between Flamengo and Brasília is considered the greatest one in Brazilian basketball today and it started in 2008, when the teams disputed the final of Campeonato Brasileiro de Basquete. Brasília defended the title, because won the previous season, but Flamengo won the series by 3-0 and its first national title

8. Чемпионат Пуэрто-Рико по баскетболу – The Baloncesto Superior Nacional is the first tier level professional mens basketball league in Puerto Rico. It was founded in 1929 and is organized by the Puerto Rican Basketball Federation, the league has produced players that have distinguished themselves in the NBA, ACB, EuroLeague, and other tournaments throughout the world. Among them, NBA players Butch Lee, José Ortiz, Ramón Rivas, Daniel Santiago, Carlos Arroyo, the league began in 1930, and is noted for having had several head coaches who went on to achieve international recognition later in their careers. Others notable coaches who have worked for BSN teams include Gene Bartow, Lou Rossini, Del Harris, P. J. Carlesimo, Bernie Bickerstaff and Herb Brown. During the 1980s, notable players followed in the footsteps of such as Juan Pachin Vicens and Butch Lee. On October 8,2015, the BSN team owners selected Fernando Quiñones Bodea to succeed Carlos J. Beltrán as president of the league, the BSN tournament is played under the regular FIBA basketball rules. The teams regularly play a total of four games amongs them, for the 2017, the regular season will extend to 36 games. Of the 10 participating teams, the top 8 move on to the postseason and he broke both the single-season points record with 810 in 1978 and the most career points record with 11,549. Rodríguez also holds the mark for most rebounds in a career with 6,178 and he also held the single-season rebound record with 380 in 1978, which stood until Lee Benson broke it in 2008. Rodríguez also established an early single-game points record in 1973 with 52, currently, Neftalí Rivera holds the record for most points in a game in the Baloncesto Superior Nacional when he scored 79 points on May 22nd,1974. In that game he achieve the record by making 34 field goals and 11 free throws, in 1989, Pablo Alicea of the Gigantes de Carolina established a record for most assists in one game with 25. The record stood for two decades until May 1,2012, when Jonathan García of the Caciques de Humacao broke it recording 33 assists against the Brujos de Guayama. During this game, the Caciques also established the team record for a single game with 130. The Vaqueros de Bayamón hosted the game with most assistance in the league and this bested the previous top of 16,564 in a game between Ponce and Santurce. The Vaqueros also hold the record for most consecutive championships, winning five from 1971-75. com


Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай) Википедия

Национальная баскетбольная лига (NBL) (кит. 全国男子篮球联赛) — китайская полупрофессиональная баскетбольная мужская лига, второй дивизион. Высшим дивизионом является Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация. До 2005 года носила название Китайская баскетбольная лига. Английское сокращение NBL в Китае используется чаще, чем китайское название.

История создания

Лига была создана в 2004 году, соревнования начались в апреле. С этого периода времени девять команд выигрывали плей-офф:

  • Юньнань Буллз (Юнань Хунхэ) (云南红河奔牛)
  • Инкоу Дунхуа (营口东华沈部)
  • Хэбэй Цзидун (河北冀东水泥)
  • Сычуань Шидай Бинчуань (四川时代冰川)
  • Шаньси Чжунъюй (Шаньси Юйцзинь) (山西宇晋)
  • Хэйлунцзен Дацин (黑龙江大庆)
  • Дунгуань Леопардс (Гуандун Нью Сенчури) (广东东莞新世纪)
  • Тяньцзинь Жунган (天津男子篮球队)
  • Гуандун Люсуй (广州六穗篮球俱乐部)

4 августа 2004 года команда «Юньнань» победила «Гуандун Нью Сенчури», стала первым чемпионом лиги и получила возможность в сезоне 2004-05 годов выступать в КБА.

В 2010 году лига была разделена на две группы — А и Б (всего в турнире принимало участие 18 команд). В первой части турнира проводился регулярный чемпионат, в котором команды играли друг с другом два раза. Первые четыре команды из каждой группы переходили в серию плей-офф, где 1-я команда встречалась в 8-й, 2-я — с 7-й и т. д. На первом этапе участие легионеров запрещено, в стадии плей-офф в каждой команде может быть на поле один легионер.[1]

Одним из требований для участия в турнире было наличие уставного капитала в размере 200 млн юаней, а также наличие собственной арены (зала), тренировочного комплекса и т. д. Это давало гарантию выступлений в высшей лиге при завоевании чемпионского титула[2].

Победители турнира

Год Чемпион
2012 Гуанчжоу Люсуй
2011 Цзянсу Тунси
2010 Цзянсу Тунси
2009 Дунгуань Бонин
2008 Гуандун Фэнлюй
2007 Тяньцзинь Жунган
2006 Чжэцзян Гуанша
2005 Дунгуань Синь Шицзе
2004 Юньнань Хунхэ

Команды чемпионата 2012

  • Нанькин Арми
  • Хэнань Цзиъюань
  • Гуанчжоу Лю Суй Вампо
  • Цзинь Цян Сычуань
  • Гуанчжоу Фримэн
  • Чангань Гуанчжоу
  • Хэбэй Спрингс
  • Гонконг Буллз
  • Хэйлунцзян Чжаочжоу Фэн Шэнь
  • Команда Цзянсу

См. также



WikiZero - Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай)

Wikipedia Open wikipedia design.

Национальная баскетбольная лига (NBL) (кит. 全国男子篮球联赛) — китайская полупрофессиональная баскетбольная мужская лига, второй дивизион. Высшим дивизионом является Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация. До 2005 года носила название Китайская баскетбольная лига. Английское сокращение NBL в Китае используется чаще, чем китайское название.

Лига была создана в 2004 году, соревнования начались в апреле. С этого периода времени девять команд выигрывали плей-офф:

  • Юньнань Буллз (Юнань Хунхэ) (云南红河奔牛)
  • Инкоу Дунхуа (营口东华沈部)
  • Хэбэй Цзидун (河北冀东水泥)
  • Сычуань Шидай Бинчуань (四川时代冰川)
  • Шаньси Чжунъюй (Шаньси Юйцзинь) (山西宇晋)
  • Хэйлунцзен Дацин (黑龙江大庆)
  • Дунгуань Леопардс (Гуандун Нью Сенчури) (广东东莞新世纪)
  • Тяньцзинь Жунган (天津男子篮球队)
  • Гуандун Люсуй (广州六穗篮球俱乐部)

4 августа 2004 года команда «Юньнань» победила «Гуандун Нью Сенчури», стала первым чемпионом лиги и получила возможность в сезоне 2004-05 годов выступать в КБА.

В 2010 году лига была разделена на две группы — А и Б (всего в турнире принимало участие 18 команд). В первой части турнира проводился регулярный чемпионат, в котором команды играли друг с другом два раза. Первые четыре команды из каждой группы переходили в серию плей-офф, где 1-я команда встречалась в 8-й, 2-я — с 7-й и т. д. На первом этапе участие легионеров запрещено, в стадии плей-офф в каждой команде может быть на поле один легионер.[1]

Одним из требований для участия в турнире было наличие уставного капитала в размере 200 млн юаней, а также наличие собственной арены (зала), тренировочного комплекса и т. д. Это давало гарантию выступлений в высшей лиге при завоевании чемпионского титула[2].

Год Чемпион
2012 Гуанчжоу Люсуй
2011 Цзянсу Тунси
2010 Цзянсу Тунси
2009 Дунгуань Бонин
2008 Гуандун Фэнлюй
2007 Тяньцзинь Жунган
2006 Чжэцзян Гуанша
2005 Дунгуань Синь Шицзе
2004 Юньнань Хунхэ
  • Нанькин Арми
  • Хэнань Цзиъюань
  • Гуанчжоу Лю Суй Вампо
  • Цзинь Цян Сычуань
  • Гуанчжоу Фримэн
  • Чангань Гуанчжоу
  • Хэбэй Спрингс
  • Гонконг Буллз
  • Хэйлунцзян Чжаочжоу Фэн Шэнь
  • Команда Цзянсу


Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай) - это... Что такое Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай)?

Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай)
Вид спорта Баскетбол
Основание 2004
Страна Китай
Количество команд 10
Действующий победитель «Цзянсу Тунси»
Сайт http://www.CBA.gov.cn

Национальная баскетбольная лига (NBL) (кит. 全国男子篮球联赛) — китайская полупрофессиональная баскетбольная мужская лига, второй дивизион. Высшим дивизионом является Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация. До 2005 года носила название Китайская баскетбольная лига. Английское сокращение NBL в Китае используется чаще, чем китайское название.

История создания

Лига была создана в 2004 году, соревнования начались в апреле. С этого периода времени восемь команд выигрывали плэй-офф:

  • Юньнань Буллз (Юнань Хунхэ) (云南红河奔牛)
  • Инкоу Дунхуа (营口东华沈部)
  • Хэбэй Цзидун (河北冀东水泥)
  • Сычуань Шидай Бинчуань (四川时代冰川)
  • Шаньси Чжунъюй (Шаньси Юйцзинь) (山西宇晋)
  • Хэйлунцзян Дацин (黑龙江大庆)
  • Дунгуань Леопардс (Гуандун Нью Сенчури) (广东东莞新世纪)
  • Тяньцзинь Жунган (天津男子篮球队)

4 августа 2004 года команда «Юньнань» победила «Гуандун Нью Сенчури», стала первым чемпионом лиги и получила возможность в сезоне 2004-05 годов выступать в КБА.

В 2010 году лига была разделена на две группы — А и Б (всего в турнире принимало участие 18 команд). В первой части турнира проводился регулярный чемпионат, в котором команды играли друг с другом два раза. Первые четыре команды из каждой группы переходили в серию плэй-офф, где 1-я команда встречалась в 8-й, 2-я — с 7-й и т. д. На первом этапе участие легионеров запрещено, в стадии плэй-офф в каждой команде может быть на поле один легионер.[1]

Одним из требований для участия в турнире было наличие уставного капитала в размере 200 млн. юаней, а также наличие собственной арены (зала), тренировочного комплекса и т. д. Это давало гарантию выступлений в высшей лиге при завоевании чемпионского титула[2].

Победители турнира

Год Чемпион
2011 Цзянсу Тунси
2010 Цзянсу Тунси
2009 Дунгуань Бонин
2008 Гуандун Фэнлюй
2007 Тяньцзинь Жунган
2006 Чжэцзян Гуанша
2005 Дунгуань Синь Шицзе
2004 Юньнань Хунхэ

Команды чемпионата 2012

  • Нанькин Арми
  • Хэнань Цзиъюань
  • Гуанчжоу Лю Суй Вампо
  • Цзинь Цян Сычуань
  • Гуанчжоу Фримэн
  • Чангань Гуанчжоу
  • Хэбэй Спрингс
  • Гонконг Буллз
  • Хэйлунцзян Чжаочжоу Фэн Шэнь
  • Команда Цзянсу

См. также


  Мужские профессиональные баскетбольные лиги Азия Америка Африка Европа Океания
Континентальные турниры Региональные турниры
Кубок чемпионов ФИБА Азия
Баскетбольная Лига АСЕАН · Кубок Чемпионов ВАБА
Индонезия · Иран · Казахстан · Китай (КБА · НБЛ) · Ливан · Малайзия · Тайвань · Филиппины (ФБА · ФБЛ) · Южная Корея · Япония (bj лига · ЯБЛ)
Австралия · Новая Зеландия


Национальная баскетбольная лига (Китай) - Gpedia, Your Encyclopedia

Национальная баскетбольная лига (NBL) (кит. 全国男子篮球联赛) — китайская полупрофессиональная баскетбольная мужская лига, второй дивизион. Высшим дивизионом является Китайская баскетбольная ассоциация. До 2005 года носила название Китайская баскетбольная лига. Английское сокращение NBL в Китае используется чаще, чем китайское название.

История создания

Лига была создана в 2004 году, соревнования начались в апреле. С этого периода времени девять команд выигрывали плей-офф:

  • Юньнань Буллз (Юнань Хунхэ) (云南红河奔牛)
  • Инкоу Дунхуа (营口东华沈部)
  • Хэбэй Цзидун (河北冀东水泥)
  • Сычуань Шидай Бинчуань (四川时代冰川)
  • Шаньси Чжунъюй (Шаньси Юйцзинь) (山西宇晋)
  • Хэйлунцзен Дацин (黑龙江大庆)
  • Дунгуань Леопардс (Гуандун Нью Сенчури) (广东东莞新世纪)
  • Тяньцзинь Жунган (天津男子篮球队)
  • Гуандун Люсуй (广州六穗篮球俱乐部)

4 августа 2004 года команда «Юньнань» победила «Гуандун Нью Сенчури», стала первым чемпионом лиги и получила возможность в сезоне 2004-05 годов выступать в КБА.

В 2010 году лига была разделена на две группы — А и Б (всего в турнире принимало участие 18 команд). В первой части турнира проводился регулярный чемпионат, в котором команды играли друг с другом два раза. Первые четыре команды из каждой группы переходили в серию плей-офф, где 1-я команда встречалась в 8-й, 2-я — с 7-й и т. д. На первом этапе участие легионеров запрещено, в стадии плей-офф в каждой команде может быть на поле один легионер.[1]

Одним из требований для участия в турнире было наличие уставного капитала в размере 200 млн юаней, а также наличие собственной арены (зала), тренировочного комплекса и т. д. Это давало гарантию выступлений в высшей лиге при завоевании чемпионского титула[2].

Победители турнира

Год Чемпион
2012 Гуанчжоу Люсуй
2011 Цзянсу Тунси
2010 Цзянсу Тунси
2009 Дунгуань Бонин
2008 Гуандун Фэнлюй
2007 Тяньцзинь Жунган
2006 Чжэцзян Гуанша
2005 Дунгуань Синь Шицзе
2004 Юньнань Хунхэ

Команды чемпионата 2012

  • Нанькин Арми
  • Хэнань Цзиъюань
  • Гуанчжоу Лю Суй Вампо
  • Цзинь Цян Сычуань
  • Гуанчжоу Фримэн
  • Чангань Гуанчжоу
  • Хэбэй Спрингс
  • Гонконг Буллз
  • Хэйлунцзян Чжаочжоу Фэн Шэнь
  • Команда Цзянсу

См. также

