Оганисян, Санасар Размикович. Оганисян санасар размикович
Оганисян Санасар Размикович — Энциклопедия фонда «Хайазг»
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Оганисян Санасар Размикович | |
Sanasar Oganisyan | |
На английском: | Sanasar Oganisyan |
Дата рождения: | 05.02.1960 |
Место рождения: | Москва, Россия |
Краткая информация:Борец-вольник |
Санасар Оганисян родился в 1960 году в Москве.
Окончил Московский инженерно-строительный институт.
В 1978 году выиграл чемпионат Европы среди юниоров, в 1979 году - чемпионат мира среди юниоров.
Выступал за Спартак (Москва), с 1981 года выступал с серьёзной травмой спины. Чемпион мира (1981), обладатель Кубка мира (1981), чемпион Европы (1986), серебряный призер Кубка мира (1989), чемпион СССР (1981, 1989), серебряный призёр чемпионата СССР (1982, 1984, 1988), бронзовый призёр чемпионата СССР (1986), чемпион мира среди юниоров (1979), чемпион Европы среди юниоров (1978).
На Летних Олимпийских играх 1980 года в Москве боролся в весовой категории до 90 килограммов.
- Чемпион мира (1981)
- Обладатель Кубка мира (1981)
- Чемпион Европы (1986)
- Серебряный призер Кубка мира (1989)
- Чемпион СССР (1981, 1989)
- Серебряный призёр чемпионата СССР (1982, 1984, 1988)
- Бронзовый призёр чемпионата СССР (1986)
- Чемпион мира среди юниоров (1979)
- Чемпион Европы среди юниоров (1978)
- Олимпийский чемпион (1980, Москва)
- заслуженный мастер спорта СССР (1980)
- Сын - борец, Саник Оганесян (1995 г.р.)
- Младшим братом С. Оганисяна является Гор Чахал, художник.
- Sports Reference LLC
Санасар Оганисян-вольная борьба - Легенды советской борьбы - БОРЬБА - Каталог файлов
ОГАНИСЯН Санасар Размикович родился 5 февраля 1960 года в Москве, советский спортсмен (вольная борьба), заслуженный мастер спорта СССР. Окончил Московский инженерно-строительный институт. Тренеры - М.Максимченко и А.Царёв. Олимпийский чемпион по вольной борьбе (1980 - во 2-м среднем весе). Чемпион мира (1981), обладатель Кубка мира (1981), чемпион Европы (1986), серебряный призер Кубка мира (1989), чемпион СССР (1981, 1989), серебряный призёр чемпионата СССР (1982, 1984, 1988), бронзовый призёр чемпионата СССР (1986), чемпион мира среди юниоров (1979), чемпион Европы среди юниоров (1978). Награждён орденом "Знак Почёта".

Когда после окончания соревнований олимпийский чемпион в весовой категории до 90 кг Санасар Оганисян пришел на пресс-конференцию, журналисты попросили его сесть за рояль. Это не было шуткой. Санасар окончил Московское музыкальное училище имени Гнесиных. (ГаджетОк - гаджеты и технологии! )
— Музыка и борьба — увлечения, конечно, противоположные, и сегодня я отдал предпочтение борьбе, хотя музыку не забываю. А борьбой я начал заниматься в общем-то случайно; наш класс перевели во вторую смену, и пришлось из-за этого бросить шахматный кружок. Борцы же занимались днем. Я решил попробовать, что это такое, и вот пробую до сегодняшнего дня,— рассказывал Санасар.
Специалисты вольной борьбы заговорили о нем четыре года назад. 16-летнего паренька не хотели допускать к участию в одном из самых престижных турниров—Тбилисском международном. Не хотели допускать из-за возраста —маловат.
Однако он все-таки выступил и среди сильнейших борцов мира сумел занять 3-е место. Тогда же двукратный олимпийский чемпион Леван Тедиашвили, которого Оганисян называет своим кумиром, предсказал талантливому борцу большое и счастливое будущее.
И вот вскоре предсказание великого спортсмена начало сбываться. Сначала Оганисян стал чемпионом мира и Европы среди юниоров, а затем, в олимпийском году, сильнейшим на первенстве континента среди взрослых. Накануне Игр Санасар завоевал серебряную медаль чемпионата страны. Тренеры решили включить его в состав олимпийской сборной. И они не ошиблись. Все схватки Санасар провел азартно, даже яростно. И победил всех.
Санасар — старший из пяти детей в дружной семье кандидата экономических наук Р. Оганисяна, где спорт в большом почете. Глава семьи когда-то был неплохим боксером, а сейчас родители самые ревностные болельщики Санасара, они посещают почти все турниры с участием сына. «Заразились» спортом и три брата чемпиона и его сестра.
На пресс-конференции корреспондент «Московской правды» спросил Санасара:
— Почему вы выбрали строительный институт?
Чемпион ответил:
— Мне всегда нравились такие профессии, в которых труд определяется конкретным содержанием. А профессия инженера-строителя, может быть, в этом плане одна из самых показательных.
Оганисян, Санасар Размикович - WikiVisually
1. Союз Советских Социалистических Республик – The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. It was nominally a union of national republics, but its government. The Soviet Union had its roots in the October Revolution of 1917 and this established the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic and started the Russian Civil War between the revolutionary Reds and the counter-revolutionary Whites. In 1922, the communists were victorious, forming the Soviet Union with the unification of the Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian, following Lenins death in 1924, a collective leadership and a brief power struggle, Joseph Stalin came to power in the mid-1920s. Stalin suppressed all opposition to his rule, committed the state ideology to Marxism–Leninism. As a result, the country underwent a period of rapid industrialization and collectivization which laid the foundation for its victory in World War II and postwar dominance of Eastern Europe. Shortly before World War II, Stalin signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact agreeing to non-aggression with Nazi Germany, in June 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, opening the largest and bloodiest theater of war in history. Soviet war casualties accounted for the highest proportion of the conflict in the effort of acquiring the upper hand over Axis forces at battles such as Stalingrad. Soviet forces eventually captured Berlin in 1945, the territory overtaken by the Red Army became satellite states of the Eastern Bloc. The Cold War emerged by 1947 as the Soviet bloc confronted the Western states that united in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. Following Stalins death in 1953, a period of political and economic liberalization, known as de-Stalinization and Khrushchevs Thaw, the country developed rapidly, as millions of peasants were moved into industrialized cities. The USSR took a lead in the Space Race with Sputnik 1, the first ever satellite, and Vostok 1. In the 1970s, there was a brief détente of relations with the United States, the war drained economic resources and was matched by an escalation of American military aid to Mujahideen fighters. In the mid-1980s, the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, sought to reform and liberalize the economy through his policies of glasnost. The goal was to preserve the Communist Party while reversing the economic stagnation, the Cold War ended during his tenure, and in 1989 Soviet satellite countries in Eastern Europe overthrew their respective communist regimes. This led to the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements inside the USSR as well, in August 1991, a coup détat was attempted by Communist Party hardliners. It failed, with Russian President Boris Yeltsin playing a role in facing down the coup. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev resigned and the twelve constituent republics emerged from the dissolution of the Soviet Union as independent post-Soviet states
2. Спартак (спортивное общество) – Spartak is an international fitness and sports society that unites some countries of the former Soviet Union. It was founded in 1921 in Moscow as the Moscow Sports Circle by footballer Nikolai Starostin, in 1926 it came under the sponsorship of the food workers union. In 1934, it adopted the name of Spartak, after the ancient Roman slave, rebel and athlete Spartacus and it was dissolved in 1987 and reformed in 1991 as an international society among six nations of the former Soviet Union. Spartak was the first and the largest All-Union Voluntary Sports Society of workers of state trade, producers cooperation, light industry, civil aviation, education, culture, in 1936 Spartak organized and successfully conducted a sports parade at the Moscows Red Square. In 1960 the society was reorganized into the Voluntary Sport Society, there were 23,000 physical culture collectives in the society in 1975, that united 6.2 million people. There were 40 sports disciplines cultivated in the society in 1975, the society possessed 238 stadiums,89 swimming pools,1,800 sports halls,1,300 football grounds,2,600 sports camps,264 Children and Youth Sport Schools. In 1987 Spartak was abolished and all its assets were transferred back to trade unions, in 1991 the society was reorganized as an international. Currently the society has affiliation in six countries of the former Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Nikolai Starostin Semyon Privis Gennadiy Mikhalchuk Pyotr Sobolev Yevgeniy Arkhipov Vladimir Vekshin Nikolai Ozerov Anna Alyoshina VSS Spartak was awarded Order of Lenin
3. Москва – Moscow is the capital and most populous city of Russia, with 13.2 million residents within the city limits and 17.8 million within the urban area. Moscow has the status of a Russian federal city, Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city entirely on the European continent. Moscow is the northernmost and coldest megacity and metropolis on Earth and it is home to the Ostankino Tower, the tallest free standing structure in Europe, the Federation Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Europe, and the Moscow International Business Center. Moscow is situated on the Moskva River in the Central Federal District of European Russia, the city is well known for its architecture, particularly its historic buildings such as Saint Basils Cathedral with its brightly colored domes. Moscow is the seat of power of the Government of Russia, being the site of the Moscow Kremlin, the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square are also one of several World Heritage Sites in the city. Both chambers of the Russian parliament also sit in the city and it is recognized as one of the citys landmarks due to the rich architecture of its 200 stations. In old Russian the word also meant a church administrative district. The demonym for a Moscow resident is москвич for male or москвичка for female, the name of the city is thought to be derived from the name of the Moskva River. There have been proposed several theories of the origin of the name of the river and its cognates include Russian, музга, muzga pool, puddle, Lithuanian, mazgoti and Latvian, mazgāt to wash, Sanskrit, majjati to drown, Latin, mergō to dip, immerse. There exist as well similar place names in Poland like Mozgawa, the original Old Russian form of the name is reconstructed as *Москы, *Mosky, hence it was one of a few Slavic ū-stem nouns. From the latter forms came the modern Russian name Москва, Moskva, in a similar manner the Latin name Moscovia has been formed, later it became a colloquial name for Russia used in Western Europe in the 16th–17th centuries. From it as well came English Muscovy, various other theories, having little or no scientific ground, are now largely rejected by contemporary linguists. The surface similarity of the name Russia with Rosh, an obscure biblical tribe or country, the oldest evidence of humans on the territory of Moscow dates from the Neolithic. Within the modern bounds of the city other late evidence was discovered, on the territory of the Kremlin, Sparrow Hills, Setun River and Kuntsevskiy forest park, etc. The earliest East Slavic tribes recorded as having expanded to the upper Volga in the 9th to 10th centuries are the Vyatichi and Krivichi, the Moskva River was incorporated as part of Rostov-Suzdal into the Kievan Rus in the 11th century. By AD1100, a settlement had appeared on the mouth of the Neglinnaya River. The first known reference to Moscow dates from 1147 as a place of Yuri Dolgoruky. At the time it was a town on the western border of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
4. Вольная борьба – Freestyle wrestling is a style of amateur wrestling that is practiced throughout the world. Along with Greco-Roman, it is one of the two styles of wrestling contested in the Olympic games, American high school and college wrestling is conducted under different rules and is termed scholastic and collegiate wrestling. Freestyle and collegiate wrestling, unlike Greco-Roman, allow the use of the wrestlers or his opponents legs in offense and defense, Freestyle wrestling brings together traditional wrestling, judo, and sambo techniques. According to wrestlings world governing body, United World Wrestling, freestyle wrestling is one of the four forms of amateur competitive wrestling that are practiced internationally today. The other main forms of wrestling are Greco-Roman and grappling, the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee recommended dropping wrestling as a sport from the 2020 Olympic Games, but the decision was later reversed by the IOC. Modern freestyle wrestling, according to UWW, is said to have originated in Great Britain, catch-as-catch-can wrestling had a particular following in Great Britain and the variant developed in Lancashire had a particular effect on freestyle wrestling. Catch-as-catch-can wrestling gained popularity in fairs and festivals during the 19th century. In catch-as-catch-can wrestling, both started out standing and then a wrestler sought to hold his opponents shoulder to the ground. If no fall was scored, both wrestlers continued grappling on the ground, and almost all holds and techniques were allowable. Also, there was the Irish collar-and-elbow style, where started out on their feet with both wrestlers grasping each other by the collar with one hand and by the elbow with the other. If neither wrestler then achieved a fall, the contestants would continue both standing and on the ground until a fall was made, the 1896 Olympic Games had only one wrestling bout, a heavyweight Greco-Roman match. Freestyle wrestling first emerged as an Olympic sport in the Saint Louis Olympics of 1904, all 40 wrestlers who participated in the 1904 Olympics were American. The 1904 Olympics sanctioned the rules used for catch-as-catch can. Wrestling by seven classes,47.6 kg,52.2 kg,56.7 kg,61.2 kg,65.3 kg,71.7 kg. These were later adopted by the Amateur Athletic Union for its freestyle matches, Freestyle wrestling gained great popularity in the United States after the Civil War. By the 1880s, tournaments drew hundreds of wrestlers, the rise of cities, increased industrialization, and the closing of the frontier provided the affable environment for amateur wrestling, along with boxing, to increase in esteem and popularity. Amateur wrestling teams soon emerged, such as the team of the New York Athletic Club. Professional wrestling also developed, and by the 1870s, professional championship matches offered allowances of up to $1,000
5. Летние Олимпийские игры – The Summer Olympic Games or the Games of the Olympiad, first held in 1896, is an international multi-sport event that is hosted by a different city every four years. The most recent Olympics were held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the International Olympic Committee organizes the games and oversees the host citys preparations. In each Olympic event, gold medals are awarded for first place, silver medals are awarded for second place, and bronze medals are awarded for third, the Winter Olympic Games were created due to the success of the Summer Olympics. The Olympics have increased in scope from a 42-event competition with fewer than 250 male competitors from 14 nations in 1896 to 302 events with 10,768 competitors from 204 nations in 2012, eighteen countries have hosted the Summer Olympics. The United States has hosted four Summer Olympics, more than any other nation, four cities have hosted two Summer Olympics, Athens, Paris, Los Angeles, and Tokyo. Tokyo is the first city outside of the Western world to host the Summer Olympics multiple times, asia has hosted the Summer Olympics four times in Japan, South Korea, and China. The only Summer Olympics held in the Southern Hemisphere have been in Australia, the 2016 Games are the first Summer Olympics to be held in South America and the first to be held during the local winter season. Africa has yet to host a Summer Olympics, only five countries—Greece, Australia, France, Great Britain, and Switzerland—have been represented at every Summer Olympic Games. The only country to have won at least one medal at every Summer Olympic Games is Great Britain. The United States leads the medal table. Qualification rules for each of the Olympic sports are set by the International Sports Federations that governs that sports international competition, for individual sports, competitors typically qualify through attaining a certain place in a major international event or on the IFs ranking list. There is a rule that maximum three individual athletes may represent each nation per competition. Nations most often qualify teams for team sports through continental qualifying tournaments, each nation may be represented by no more than one team per competition a team is two people in some sports. The United States has hosted four Summer Olympic Games, more than any other nation, the United Kingdom hosted the 2012 Olympic Games, its third Summer Olympic Games, in its capital London, making London the first city to host the Summer Olympic Games three times. Australia, France, Germany, Greece, and Japan have all hosted the Summer Olympic Games twice. Other countries that have hosted the Summer Olympics are Belgium, Brazil, China, Canada, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, the Soviet Union, asia has hosted the Summer Olympics three times and will host again in 2020. In 2016, Rio de Janeiro hosted the first Summer Olympics in South America, three cities have hosted two Summer Olympic Games, Los Angeles, Paris, and Athens. Stockholm has hosted events at two Summer Olympic Games, having hosted the games in 1912 and the events at the 1956 Summer Olympics—which they are usually listed as jointly hosting
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