Истомин, Виктор (футболист). Истомин футболист
Истомин Юрий Васильевич Википедия
Юрий Истомин | |
Юрий Васильевич Истомин | |
3 июля 1944(1944-07-03)Ухта | |
6 февраля 1999(1999-02-06) (54 года)Москва, Россия | |
171 см | |
72 кг | |
защитник | |
Юрий Васильевич Истомин (3 июля 1944, Харьков, Украинская ССР, СССР — 6 февраля 1999, Москва, Россия) — советский футболист, защитник. Мастер спорта СССР международного класса (1972), Заслуженный мастер спорта СССР (1992). За сборную СССР провёл 34 матча, в том числе 7 за олимпийскую сборную.
Юрий Истомин — воспитанник харьковского клуба «Авангард».
В 1964 году перешёл в СКА Киев, в котором провёл два сезона. С 1966 года по 1974 год выступал за московский ЦСКА, в составе которых в 1970 году стал чемпионом СССР. Неоднократно вызывался в сборную страны, участвовал в чемпионате Европы 1968 и 1972 гг. В 1972 году стал серебряным призёром ЧЕ и бронзовым призёром Олимпийских игр.
Карьеру футболиста завершил в футбольном клубе СК «Луцк».
Истомин, Виктор (футболист) — Википедия (с комментариями)
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Ви́ктор Исто́мин (1950) — советский футболист, полузащитник и нападающий.
С 1969 по 1971 год играл за донецкий «Шахтёр», в составе которого дебютировал в Высшей лиге СССР, где провёл 1 матч в 1971 году. С 1973 по 1975 год выступал за запорожский «Металлург», сыграл 14 встреч в 1974 году.
Сезон 1975 года провёл в «Кубани», в 16 играх за которую забил 1 гол[1]. В 1977 году выступал за «Кривбасс», принял участие в 12 матчах команды.
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- ↑ Вишталь В. П., Гайдашёв И. Ю., Рубан М. Л., Яровой В. А. История кубанского футбола. — Краснодар: Советская Кубань, 1997. — 368 с.
- [www.footbook.ru/index.php?type=3&pid=20218 Профиль на сайте footbook.ru]. [www.webcitation.org/6CpoysNSI Архивировано из первоисточника 11 декабря 2012].
Отрывок, характеризующий Истомин, Виктор (футболист)
Истомин Борис, 1938, футболист
Сегодня Арельяно Гильермо Морага исполнилось бы 110 лет
Сегодня Дюбвад Гуннар исполнилось бы 90 лет
Сегодня Пилони Массимо отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Бенже Нето Педру отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Ганн Бринли (Брин) Чарльз отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Рада Петр отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Кебир Камель отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Имборгия Антонино отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Бенарриво Антонио отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Зингаро Франк отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Мольнар Иштван отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Эдвардс Ли отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Цзэн Юйцюань отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Сечин Алексей Николаевич отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Браила Владимир Леонидович отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ли Алан Десмонд отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Мирри Роберто отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маджар Александер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Дамбар Аугустус отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маркес да Консейсан Жефферсон отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Гемун Кристоф отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Спортилло Пьетро отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Китагава Йосио отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Фернандес Санс Хавьер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Скшипек Давид отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ляйхер Кристиан отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Солуянов Михаил Евгеньевич отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Соарес Бруно Габриэль отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Левандовски Роберт отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Хора Адриан Иоан отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Берарди Гаэтано отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Оливас Альба Франсиско (Кико) Хосе отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Фатич Иван отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Эванс Саймон отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Гарсия Лапарра Хосуэ Габриель отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Златкович Неманя отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Суарес Бруно Габриэл отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Адамсон Кеннет отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Руис Ортис Адриан отмечает 30-летие
Истомин, Виктор (футболист) - Gpedia, Your Encyclopedia
В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Истомин.![]() Виктор Истомин | |
1950(1950) | |
![]() | |
170 см | |
66 кг | |
полузащитник, нападающий | |
завершил карьеру | |
Ви́ктор Исто́мин (1950) — советский футболист, полузащитник и нападающий.
С 1969 по 1971 год играл за донецкий «Шахтёр», в составе которого дебютировал в Высшей лиге СССР, где провёл 1 матч в 1971 году. С 1973 по 1975 год выступал за запорожский «Металлург», сыграл 14 встреч в 1974 году.
Сезон 1975 года провёл в «Кубани», в 16 играх за которую забил 1 гол[1]. В 1977 году выступал за «Кривбасс», принял участие в 12 матчах команды.
- ↑ Вишталь В. П., Гайдашёв И. Ю., Рубан М. Л., Яровой В. А. История кубанского футбола. — Краснодар: Советская Кубань, 1997. — 368 с.
Истомин Константин Владимирович, 03.11.1984, футболист
Сегодня Арельяно Гильермо Морага исполнилось бы 110 лет
Сегодня Дюбвад Гуннар исполнилось бы 90 лет
Сегодня Пилони Массимо отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Бенже Нето Педру отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Ганн Бринли (Брин) Чарльз отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Рада Петр отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Кебир Камель отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Имборгия Антонино отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Бенарриво Антонио отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Зингаро Франк отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Мольнар Иштван отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Эдвардс Ли отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Цзэн Юйцюань отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Сечин Алексей Николаевич отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Браила Владимир Леонидович отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ли Алан Десмонд отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Мирри Роберто отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маджар Александер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Дамбар Аугустус отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маркес да Консейсан Жефферсон отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Гемун Кристоф отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Спортилло Пьетро отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Китагава Йосио отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Фернандес Санс Хавьер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Скшипек Давид отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ляйхер Кристиан отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Солуянов Михаил Евгеньевич отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Соарес Бруно Габриэль отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Левандовски Роберт отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Хора Адриан Иоан отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Берарди Гаэтано отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Оливас Альба Франсиско (Кико) Хосе отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Фатич Иван отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Эванс Саймон отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Гарсия Лапарра Хосуэ Габриель отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Златкович Неманя отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Суарес Бруно Габриэл отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Адамсон Кеннет отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Руис Ортис Адриан отмечает 30-летие
Истомин Игорь Владимирович, 13.12.1965, футболист
Сегодня Арельяно Гильермо Морага исполнилось бы 110 лет
Сегодня Дюбвад Гуннар исполнилось бы 90 лет
Сегодня Пилони Массимо отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Бенже Нето Педру отмечает 70-летие
Сегодня Ганн Бринли (Брин) Чарльз отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Рада Петр отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Кебир Камель отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Имборгия Антонино отмечает 60-летие
Сегодня Бенарриво Антонио отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Зингаро Франк отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Мольнар Иштван отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Эдвардс Ли отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Цзэн Юйцюань отмечает 50-летие
Сегодня Сечин Алексей Николаевич отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Браила Владимир Леонидович отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ли Алан Десмонд отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Мирри Роберто отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маджар Александер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Дамбар Аугустус отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Маркес да Консейсан Жефферсон отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Гемун Кристоф отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Спортилло Пьетро отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Китагава Йосио отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Фернандес Санс Хавьер отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Скшипек Давид отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Ляйхер Кристиан отмечает 40-летие
Сегодня Солуянов Михаил Евгеньевич отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Соарес Бруно Габриэль отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Левандовски Роберт отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Хора Адриан Иоан отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Берарди Гаэтано отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Оливас Альба Франсиско (Кико) Хосе отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Фатич Иван отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Эванс Саймон отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Гарсия Лапарра Хосуэ Габриель отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Златкович Неманя отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Суарес Бруно Габриэл отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Адамсон Кеннет отмечает 30-летие
Сегодня Руис Ортис Адриан отмечает 30-летие
Истомин, Виктор (футболист) - WikiVisually
1. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians
2. Содружество Независимых Государств – The Commonwealth of Independent States, also called the Russian Commonwealth, is a regional organization formed during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Nine out of the 15 former Soviet Republics are member states, Georgia withdrew its membership in 2008, while the Baltic states chose not to participate. The CIS has few supranational powers but aims to be more than a purely symbolic organization, nominally possessing coordinating powers in the realms of trade, finance, lawmaking and it has also promoted cooperation on cross-border crime prevention. Furthermore, eight of the nine CIS member states participate in the CIS Free Trade Area, three organizations are under the overview of the CIS, namely the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Union State. While the first and the second are military and economic alliances, in March 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev, the president of the Soviet Union, proposed a federation by holding a referendum to preserve the Union as the Union of Sovereign States. The new treaty signing never happened as the Communist Party hardliners staged a coup in August that year. Following the events of August, the republics had declared their independence fearing another coup, at the same time they announced that the new alliance would be open to all republics of the former Soviet Union, and to other nations sharing the same goals. The CIS charter stated that all the members were sovereign and independent nations, Georgia joined two years later, in December 1993. At this point,12 of the 15 former Soviet Republics participated in the CIS, the three Baltic states did not, reflecting their governments view that the post-1940 Soviet occupation of their territory was illegitimate. In May 2009, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine joined the Eastern Partnership, there are nine full member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Creation Agreement remained the main constituent document of the CIS until January 1993, the charter formalised the concept of membership, a member country is defined as a country that ratifies the CIS Charter. Turkmenistan has not ratified the charter and changed its CIS standing to associate member as of 26 August 2005 in order to be consistent with its UN-recognised international neutrality status, thus it does not regard itself as a member of the CIS. In 1993 Ukraine became an Associate Member of CIS, following the 2014 parliamentary election, a new bill to denounce the CIS agreement was introduced. In September 2015 the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed Ukraine will continue taking part in CIS on a selective basis, since that month Ukraine has had no representatives in the CIS Executive Committee building. Since its inception, one of the goals of the CIS has been to provide a forum for discussing issues related to the social. To achieve this goal member states have agreed to promote and protect human rights, even before the 1995 human rights treaty, the Charter of the CIS that was adopted in 1991 created, in article 33, a Human Rights Commission sitting in Minsk, Belarus. This was confirmed by decision of the Council of Heads of States of the CIS in 1993, in 1995, the CIS adopted a human rights treaty that includes civil and political as well as social and economic human rights. This treaty entered force in 1998
3. Килограмм – The kilogram or kilogramme is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units and is defined as being equal to the mass of the International Prototype of the Kilogram. The avoirdupois pound, used in both the imperial and US customary systems, is defined as exactly 0.45359237 kg, making one kilogram approximately equal to 2.2046 avoirdupois pounds. Other traditional units of weight and mass around the world are also defined in terms of the kilogram, the gram, 1/1000 of a kilogram, was provisionally defined in 1795 as the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at the melting point of ice. The final kilogram, manufactured as a prototype in 1799 and from which the IPK was derived in 1875, had an equal to the mass of 1 dm3 of water at its maximum density. The kilogram is the only SI base unit with an SI prefix as part of its name and it is also the only SI unit that is still directly defined by an artifact rather than a fundamental physical property that can be reproduced in different laboratories. Three other base units and 17 derived units in the SI system are defined relative to the kilogram, only 8 other units do not require the kilogram in their definition, temperature, time and frequency, length, and angle. At its 2011 meeting, the CGPM agreed in principle that the kilogram should be redefined in terms of the Planck constant, the decision was originally deferred until 2014, in 2014 it was deferred again until the next meeting. There are currently several different proposals for the redefinition, these are described in the Proposed Future Definitions section below, the International Prototype Kilogram is rarely used or handled. In the decree of 1795, the term gramme thus replaced gravet, the French spelling was adopted in the United Kingdom when the word was used for the first time in English in 1797, with the spelling kilogram being adopted in the United States. In the United Kingdom both spellings are used, with kilogram having become by far the more common, UK law regulating the units to be used when trading by weight or measure does not prevent the use of either spelling. In the 19th century the French word kilo, a shortening of kilogramme, was imported into the English language where it has used to mean both kilogram and kilometer. In 1935 this was adopted by the IEC as the Giorgi system, now known as MKS system. In 1948 the CGPM commissioned the CIPM to make recommendations for a practical system of units of measurement. This led to the launch of SI in 1960 and the subsequent publication of the SI Brochure, the kilogram is a unit of mass, a property which corresponds to the common perception of how heavy an object is. Mass is a property, that is, it is related to the tendency of an object at rest to remain at rest, or if in motion to remain in motion at a constant velocity. Accordingly, for astronauts in microgravity, no effort is required to hold objects off the cabin floor, they are weightless. However, since objects in microgravity still retain their mass and inertia, the ratio of the force of gravity on the two objects, measured by the scale, is equal to the ratio of their masses. On April 7,1795, the gram was decreed in France to be the weight of a volume of pure water equal to the cube of the hundredth part of the metre
4. Полузащитник (футбол) – A midfielder is an association football position. Midfielders are generally positioned on the field between their teams defenders and forwards, some midfielders play a disciplined defensive role, breaking up attacks, and are otherwise known as defensive midfielders. Others blur the boundaries, being mobile and efficient in passing, they are commonly referred to as deep-lying midfielders, play-makers, box-to-box. The number of midfielders on a team and their assigned roles depends on the teams formation, most managers assign at least one midfielder to disrupt the opposing teams attacks, while others may be tasked with creating goals, or have equal responsibilities between attack and defence. Midfielders are the players who typically travel the greatest distance during a match, central or centre midfielders are players whose role is divided roughly equally between attack and defence. When the opposing team has the ball, a midfielder may drop back to protect the goal or move forward. The 4–3–3 and 4–5–1 formations each use three central midfielders, the 4−4−2 formation may use two central midfielders, and in the 4–2–3–1 formation one of the two deeper midfielders may be a central midfielder. The term box-to-box midfielder refers to central midfielders who have abilities and are skilled at both defending and attacking. These players can track back to their own box to make tackles and block shots. A good box-to-box midfielder needs good passing, vision, control, stamina, tackling and marking in defence, left and right midfielders have a role balanced between attack and defence, similar to that of central midfielders, but they are positioned closer to the touchlines of the pitch. They may be asked to cross the ball into the penalty area to make scoring chances for their teammates. Common modern formations that include left and right midfielders are the 4−4−2, the 4−4−1−1, the 4–2–3–1, a notable example of a right midfielder is David Beckham. Defensive midfielders are players who focus on protecting their teams goal. These players may defend a zone in front of their teams defence, defensive midfielders may also move to the full-back or centre-back positions if those players move forward to join in an attack. Sergio Busquets described his attitude, The coach knows that I am an obedient player who likes to help out and if I have to run to the wing to cover someones position, great. A good defensive midfielder needs good positional awareness, anticipation of play, marking, tackling, interceptions, passing and great stamina. A holding or deep-lying midfielder stays close to their teams defence, a player in this role will try to protect their goal by disrupting the opponents attacking moves and stopping long shots on the goal. The holding midfielder may also have responsibilities when their team has the ball and this player will make mostly short and simple passes to more attacking members of their team but may try some more difficult passes depending on the teams strategy
5. Нападающий (футбол) – Forwards are the players on an association football team who play nearest to the opposing teams goal, and are therefore most responsible for scoring goals. Their advanced position and limited defensive responsibilities mean forwards normally score more goals on behalf of their team than other players, modern team formations generally include one to three forwards, for example, the common 4–2–3–1 formation includes one forward. Unconventional formations may include more than three forwards, or none, the centre-forward is often a tall player, typically known as a target man, whose main function is to score the majority of goals on behalf of the team. Most modern centre-forwards operate in front of the strikers or central attacking midfielders. The present role of centre-forward is sometimes interchangeable with that of an attacking midfielder, a centre-forward usually must be strong, to win key headers and outmuscle defenders. The term centre-forward is taken from the football playing formation in which there were five forward players. The number would become synonymous with the centre-forward position. Strikers are known for their ability to peel off defenders and to run into space via the side of the defender and to receive the ball in a good goalscoring position. They are typically fast players with ball control and dribbling abilities. More agile strikers like Michael Owen have an advantage over taller defenders due to their short burst speed, a good striker should be able to shoot confidently with either foot, possess great power and accuracy, and have the ability to pass the ball under pressure in breakaway situations. Deep-lying forwards have a history in the game, but the terminology to describe their playing activity has varied over the years. Originally such players were termed inside forwards, creative or deep-lying centre-forwards, in fact, a coined term, the nine-and-a-half, has been an attempt to become a standard in defining the position. In Italy, this role is known as a rifinitore or seconda punta, whereas in Brazil, it is known as segundo atacante. An outside forward plays as the forward on the right or left wing – as an outside right or outside left. As football tactics have largely developed, and wingers have dropped back to become midfielders, many commentators and football analysts still refer to the wing positions as outside right and outside left. However, in the British game they are counted as part of the midfield. It is a duty to beat opposing full-backs, deliver cut-backs or crosses from wide positions and, to a lesser extent, to beat defenders. They are usually some of the quickest players in the team, in their Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese usage, the defensive duties of the winger have been usually confined to pressing the opposition fullbacks when they have the ball
6. Шахтёр (футбольный клуб, Донецк) – Football Club Shakhtar is a Ukrainian professional football club from the city of Donetsk. Starting in 2014 the club has played out of Lviv before moving early 2017 to Kharkiv with its headquarters in Kyiv, Shakhtar has appeared in several European competitions and is often a participant of the UEFA Champions League. The club became the first club in independent Ukraine to win the UEFA Cup in 2009, FC Shakhtar Donetsk is one of two Ukrainian clubs, the other one is Dynamo Kyiv, who have won a major UEFA competition. The club formerly played its matches at the Donbass Arena, however, due to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Following the winter break of the 2016–17 season the club moved to the Metalist Stadium in Kharkiv early 2017, Shakhtar Donetsk is Ukraines most popular football club. The club is the favorite of football fans in the Donbas. The club draws its history from the start of the Soviet football league competitions and is one of the oldest clubs in Ukraine. The club was a member of the Soviet Voluntary Sports Society of Shakhtyor, having connections with other Soviet teams from Karaganda, Soligorsk, among others. In the late Soviet period, Shakhtar was considered a tough mid-table club of the Soviet Top League, the team has played under the following names, Stakhanovets, Shakhtyor, and FC Shakhtar. The first team was based upon two other teams, the participants of the All-Ukrainian Spartakiads, Dynamo Horlivka and Dynamo Stalino. The first game was unofficial against Dynamo Odessa and took place on 12 May 1936 at Balitsky Stadium in Horlivka, the team lost it 3–2 after scoring the first goal. Its first official game with Dynamo Kazan was even more disappointing, nonetheless, the selective job conducted constructively by the clubs administration allowed the club to compete successfully at the top level by the end of the 1930s. During the war championship of 1941, which was interrupted unexpectedly, in the last game of that championship, played on 24 June, two days after the start of the Great Patriotic War, which they lost at home to Traktor Stalingrad. The All-Union coal mining society of Stakhanovite had changed its name in July 1946 to Shakhtyor, in 1950, Viktor Fomin was named Ukrainian Footballer of the Year, despite the club finishing only 11th in the league. The first success for the team was in 1951, when it achieved third place in the USSR Championship, in 1954, Shakhtar under Ponomarev won the Class B League, thus sealing a return to the top league. In 1958, the players of the club received less yellow and red cards then any other team in the championship, in the 1960s, Shakhtar, under Oleg Oshenkov’s coaching, were three-time USSR Cup finalists, winning it twice in 1961 and 1962. Among the players playing for the club then where defenders Viacheslav Aliabiev, the club was nicknamed The Cup Team due to Shakhtar’s success in vying for the trophy every year. The Miners’ more notable achievements, however, occurred later from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s, at the end of the season, Shakhtar received the Progress Cup for making the biggest progress from previous season in the league
7. Металлург (футбольный клуб, Запорожье) – Football Club Metalurh Zaporizhzhia is a Ukrainian professional football club based in Zaporizhya. In 2015 the original club went bankrupt and in 2016 the Ukrainian Premier League finally removed it from its competitions, the history of Metalurg began in 1935 when a steel production company, Zaporizhstal, formed the football club Stal. By the end of the year a local sports union gave Stal the status of a club in the region. Throughout the 1930s the team appeared regularly in competitions and often played against clubs from the Soviet Top League. In 1939 and 1940 under the name of Lokomotiv won the Ukrainian championships, the tough times of World War II soon followed, however, bringing decline to both Zaporizhstal and its team. Nonetheless, in 1946 the club was revived and in 1949 Stal won the cup in Zaporizhia Oblast, in October 1949 the team was renamed to Metalurg. In 1950 Metalurg debuts in the USSR Cup and in the round of 64 they defeated Lokomotiv Petrozavodsk with the score of 5–0, however, the very next year club went to eighth-finals, notably defeating Dinamo Minsk 1–0 and Lokomotiv Moscow 4–0 on the way. In 1953 the club debuted in the USSR Championship after becoming the champion of Ukrainian SSR in 1952, from 1953 to 1962 Metalurg played in USSR Championship division B. In 1963 Metalurg won a place in USSR Championship division A and had moderate success. They stayed there until 1971, when in the 1970 season club secured a position in division A, in their first season they came in fourth place, which became the clubs highest achievement in the USSR Championships. In 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became independent, Metalurh was among the founders of the League. The club has remained in the Vyshcha Liga for all 16 seasons with their highest achievement in the 1995–96 season, Zaporizhstal still remains as a largest club sponsor and actively finances most of clubs expenses. The club had always been in the top league, since the first season in 1992 until the 2010–11 season when they finished last position and were relegated to the Ukrainian First League. After one season in the Ukrainian First League the club was promoted back to the Ukrainian Premier League, where they became last-placed of the 2012–13 Ukrainian Premier League and thus were relegated to the Ukrainian First League again. Throughout its history in Ukrainian Premier League, Metalurh has entered the UEFA Cup on two occasions, the first in 2002–03 after finishing fourth in the league the previous season. In the qualifying round they beat Maltese side Birkirkara 3–0 on aggregate, the second time club had to wait 4 years to qualify again. After finishing as runners-up in the Ukrainian Cup in 2006, Metalurh secured a place in the 2006-07 UEFA Cup, Club entered the competition In the second qualifying round, Metalurh defeated Moldavian side Zimbru Chișinău 3–0 over two legs. However, Metalurh went out in the first stage, losing to Greek club Panathinaikos,26 March 2016 in Zaporizhia held a meeting of non-governmental organization Metalurh forever, at which it was decided to rename the Rosso Nero in Metalurh
8. Кубань (футбольный клуб) – FC Kuban is a Russian football club based in Krasnodar playing in the Russian Football National League. The team began playing in the Russian Premier League in 2011, FC Kuban is one of the oldest football clubs in Russia. Founded as Dynamo of the Krasnodar NKVD, FC Kuban has changed its affiliations because of changing politics in the USSR, club members and fans are called Kubantsies or yellow-greens. The team is known as the Cossacks by fans. Other nicknames associated with the colours are The Canaries and The Toads. Dynamo Neftyanik Kuban Spartak Kuban Football first appeared in Kuban during the early 20th century, the first matches were intra-club, and football competed with other sports, however, interest gradually grew and friendly matches were played between clubs in different cities. The first intercity football match was played in Ekaterinodar on 6 August 1912 when the Achilles club defeated Novorossiysk Olympia 5–0, since 1913, when the first city championship was played, matches between city teams have become common. According to the club, its history began in 1928 with the organization in Krasnodar of Dynamo NKVD, according to some reports the team was founded a year earlier, but documentary evidence of that club does not exist. The team came into existence in 1928, according to documents in the archives, before there was a national championship, Dynamo played friendly matches with the best teams in Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus. In addition to matches, tournaments were played in the city. In 1931 Dynamo moved into its own stadium, in the center of Krasnodar and that year, the club received the Sportspeople of the Northern Caucasus award. In 1935, Dynamo played in the intercity USSR Championship, in the group stage in Pyatigorsk, the team played three games in five days. On 26 June, they played to a 2–2 draw with Yerevan, on 30 June the club lost to Pyatigorsk 1–2, finishing third in the group. Dynamo was undefeated in the zone tournament, the playoffs began on 3 October at the Dynamo stadium, where the hosts reached the finals undefeated. On 17 October 1948 Dynamo beat Molotov 4–0 in the final and became, for the first time in their history, in 1953 Dynamo changed its name to Neftyanik, representing Krasnodar in the Class B Soviet League the following year. The team played well in the first round of the 1953 championship but faltered in the second, in the 1955 season, Neftyanik finished in fifth place and was promoted to Class A of the Soviet Top League. The following year, the finished fourth. In the 1957 season Neftyanik again finished fourth, in 1958 the team again changed its name, this time to Kuban
9. Кривбасс (футбольный клуб) – Football Club Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih is an amateur Ukrainian football club based in Kryvyi Rih. Until 2013 the club participated in professional competitions, in June 2013 the club went bankrupt and was expelled from the Ukrainian Premier League. There was an attempt to revived club in 2014, until finally the club was reestablished again in 2015. The team was founded as FC Kryvyi Rih in 1959, the next year it was part of the republican sport society Avanhard. After a couple of years it changed to Hirnyk, before obtaining current its name in 1966, over the years in the Soviet competitions Kryvbas became a record holder for Ukrainian championship wins tying it at four along with SKA Kiev. Kryvbas debuted in the Ukrainian Premier League in the 1992–1993 season and they have been in the top league since their debut in the second season. Their best finish was in place in the 1998–99 and 1999–2000 seasons which made them the only club out of a provincial city that managed to place among the top three best. At the end of the UPL 2012–2013 season the finished in 7th place, however. In 2013-14 local authorities created the Sport Club Kryvbas that included teams of sports including football. FC Kryvbas played several friendlies in the spring of 2014, due to the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, the project was suspended for undefined period. In the summer of 2015 there was created a public organization Kryvbas maye buty that is involved in a revival of sportive symbol of the city. In August 2015 FC Kryvbas was allowed to start at the mid-season of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Championship where it played 11 games winning four, at finish, the club ended up at the 10th place among 13 participants. In 2016 FC Kryvbas started out in the 2016 Ukrainian Football Amateur League, the new club will start out at the Spartak Stadium that was renovated back in 2013 and holds approximately 4,000 seats