Поздравляем с юбилеем Марину Логвиненко!
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Декабрь 2022Ноябрь 2022Октябрь 2022Сентябрь 2022Август 2022Июль 2022Июнь 2022Май 2022Апрель 2022Март 2022Февраль 2022Январь 2022Декабрь 2021Ноябрь 2021Октябрь 2021Сентябрь 2021Август 2021Июль 2021Июнь 2021Май 2021Апрель 2021Март 2021Февраль 2021Январь 2021Декабрь 2020Ноябрь 2020Октябрь 2020Сентябрь 2020Август 2020Июль 2020Июнь 2020Май 2020Апрель 2020Март 2020Февраль 2020Январь 2020Декабрь 2019Ноябрь 2019Октябрь 2019Сентябрь 2019Август 2019Июль 2019Июнь 2019Май 2019Апрель 2019Март 2019Февраль 2019Январь 2019Декабрь 2018Ноябрь 2018Октябрь 2018Сентябрь 2018Август 2018Июль 2018Июнь 2018Май 2018Апрель 2018Март 2018Февраль 2018Январь 2018Декабрь 2017Ноябрь 2017Октябрь 2017Сентябрь 2017Август 2017Июль 2017Июнь 2017Май 2017Апрель 2017Март 2017Февраль 2017Январь 2017Декабрь 2016Ноябрь 2016Октябрь 2016Сентябрь 2016Август 2016Июль 2016Июнь 2016Май 2016Апрель 2016Март 2016Февраль 2016Январь 2016Декабрь 2015Ноябрь 2015Октябрь 2015Сентябрь 2015Август 2015Июль 2015Июнь 2015Май 2015Апрель 2015Март 2015Февраль 2015Январь 2015Декабрь 2014Ноябрь 2014Октябрь 2014Сентябрь 2014Август 2014Июль 2014Июнь 2014Май 2014Апрель 2014Март 2014Февраль 2014Январь 2014Декабрь 2013Ноябрь 2013Октябрь 2013Сентябрь 2013Август 2013Июль 2013Июнь 2013Май 2013Апрель 2013Март 2013Февраль 2013Январь 2013Декабрь 2012Ноябрь 2012Октябрь 2012Сентябрь 2012Август 2012Июль 2012Июнь 2012Май 2012Апрель 2012Март 2012Февраль 2012Январь 2012Декабрь 2011Ноябрь 2011Октябрь 2011Сентябрь 2011Август 2011Июль 2011Июнь 2011Май 2011Апрель 2011Март 2011Февраль 2011Январь 2011Декабрь 2010Ноябрь 2010Октябрь 2010Сентябрь 2010Август 2010Июль 2010Июнь 2010Май 2010Апрель 2010Март 2010Февраль 2010Январь 2010Декабрь 2009Ноябрь 2009Октябрь 2009Сентябрь 2009Август 2009Июль 2009Июнь 2009Май 2009Апрель 2009Март 2009Февраль 2009Январь 2009Декабрь 2008Ноябрь 2008Октябрь 2008Сентябрь 2008Август 2008Июль 2008Июнь 2008Май 2008Апрель 2008Март 2008Февраль 2008Январь 2008Декабрь 2007Ноябрь 2007Октябрь 2007Сентябрь 2007Август 2007Июль 2007Июнь 2007Май 2007Апрель 2007Март 2007Февраль 2007Декабрь 2006Ноябрь 2006Октябрь 2006Сентябрь 2006Август 2006Июль 2006Июнь 2006Май 2006Апрель 2006Март 2006Февраль 2006Январь 2006Декабрь 2005Ноябрь 2005Октябрь 2005Сентябрь 2005Август 2005Июль 2005Июнь 2005Май 2005Апрель 2005Март 2005Февраль 2005Январь 2005Декабрь 2004Ноябрь 2004Октябрь 2004Сентябрь 2004Август 2004Июль 2004Июнь 2004Май 2004Апрель 2004Март 2004Февраль 2004Декабрь 2003Ноябрь 2003Октябрь 2003Сентябрь 2003Август 2003Июль 2003Июнь 2003Май 2003Апрель 2003Март 2003Февраль 2003
01 Сентября 2021 15:58 — Просмотры: 318
1 сентября — день рождения олимпийской чемпионки по пулевой стрельбе Марины Викторовны Логвиненко!
Двукратная победительница и трехкратный призер Олимпийских Игр, многократная чемпионка мира в стрельбе из пистолета Марина Логвиненко по праву считается одной из самых великих и титулованных спортсменок. За свои выдающиеся результаты она была удостоена почетного звания Заслуженный мастер спорта.
Пример для многих атлетов, Марина Викторовна заслужила искреннюю любовь и уважение всего стрелкового сообщества.
Коллектив Стрелкового Союза России от всей души поздравляет Марину Логвиненко с юбилеем! Желаем крепкого здоровья, счастья, отличного настроения и благополучия!
Марина Логвиненко ✨ 🦄 ✨ My soft skills by AssessFirst
How they behave
What they want to do
What they are capable of doing
Behavioral style
Highly motivating aspect that will make her feel fulfilled.
Build relationships / Take the lead / Unite and mobilize
Behaviors in the «Influence» category are linked to providing direction. They include developing a professional network, managing teams, making decisions and being motivated to get ideas across. These behaviors provide insight on a person’s natural ability to mobilize others and the way they establish relationships.
Take the lead
Unite and mobilize
Communicate with diplomacy / Provide support / Work collaboratively
Behaviors in the «Cooperate» category are linked to facilitating collective work. They include mediating interactions between people, solving conflict, making use of the team’s resources, and providing support for others. These behaviors provide insight on a person’s natural ability to evolve within a group.
Communicate with diplomacy
Provide support
Work collaboratively
Anticipate challenges / Develop a vision / Innovate
Behaviors in the «Think» category are linked to conceiving projects. They include designing strategies, identifying project risks, evaluating tasks and activities, and contributing new ideas. These behaviors provide insight on a person’s natural ability to process abstract rather than practical concepts.
Anticipate challenges
Develop a vision
Take initiative / Plan and organize / Inspect and improve
Behaviors in the «Act» category are linked to obtaining results. They include launching projects, implementing action plans, monitoring outcomes, or controlling production quality. These behaviors provide insight on a person’s natural ability to understand practical rather than abstract concepts.
Take initiative
Plan and organize
Inspect and improve
Spread enthusiasm / React swiftly / Handle stress
Behaviors in the «Feel» category are linked to controlling one’s emotions. They include managing stress, investing one’s energy, and radiating a positive vibe. These behaviors provide insight on a person’s natural ability to express and channel their emotions in different contexts.
Spread enthusiasm
React swiftly
Handle stress
Development potential
Highly developed:
Higher than 80% of people
Well developed:
Higher than 60% of people
Moderately developed:
Higher than 40% of people
Slightly developed:
Lower than 60% of people
Lower than 80% of people
Personal style: Initiator
Rarely short of ideas, Марина Логвиненко is quick to take the initiative. She likes instigating change at work and needs constant stimulation to keep boredom at bay. She makes sure collaborators are onboard with the suggestions she puts forward, listening to others carefully and making decisions as a group. She is capable of advancing with determination, but also of questioning her approach based on feedback. What’s more, she has the capacity to strengthen ties within teams.
Main strengths
Relationship management
She finds it easy to be assertive in her relationships, and sets the agenda.
She entertains few relationships and holds back.
She keeps an emotional distance, protecting herself in relationships.
Work management
She tackles one task at a time to avoid losing her focus.
She is concise, gets straight to the point, and works quickly.
She is tenacious and not easily discouraged.
Emotional management
She radiates enthusiasm and sees the bright side of things.
She controls her emotions and does not let others be affected by them.
She is self-possessed and keeps her cool when dealing with external events.
#sees overall picture
Areas of improvement
She would be less prone to wishful thinking, especially in regard to high-stake matters, by adopting a more objective outlook.
She could forge bonds more easily with others if she shared more of her emotions and feelings.
She could leave more room for others, avoid intervening in every decision.
What motivates them the most…
Analyzing data
Having clearly defined tasks
Focusing on quality
What motivates them the least…
Helping others
Being rewarded
Being recognized by others
How they manage their energy
Марина Логвиненко divides her energy equally between dynamism and stability. Some of her main drivers push her towards taking action and seeking stimulation. However, she also needs a certain stability and sound bearings in order to feel comfortable in a professional environment. It is important that she finds this balance in order to fully invest herself in her role.
The activities they prefer
Analysis is a key source of personal satisfaction for Марина Логвиненко. She enjoys being able to approach situations in an objective and rational manner. She is particularly invested in ensuring important decisions be made in this way, rather than based on intuition or to satisfy others’ expectations.
Perfecting is an activity in which Марина Логвиненко finds true satisfaction. She pays utmost attention to the quality of her work, in both substance (accuracy) and form (aesthetics). Being able to dedicate her energy to polishing her work is a major source of motivation for her.
Evaluating is an activity that highly suits Марина Логвиненко in the sense that it requires an impartial approach and taking a strong stand on subjects. She enjoys challenging others’ points of view and contributing her perspective. She likes being able to demonstrate independence in her judgement.
The work environment they prefer
Their management style
Do what I tell you
Watch and do as I do
What this means
Марина Логвиненко is a manager who challenges others while providing clear directives. She is driven by results and sets high standards. She’s interested in results above all else, even when she knows the path to achieving them is difficult and demanding. She strives to inspire that same spirit in her team.
The management style they seek
Watch and do as I do
Do what I tell you
Their ideal manager
Марина Логвиненко expects a manager to challenge her while providing clear directives. She is driven by results and high standards. She needs a manager who focuses on results above all else, even if the path to achieving them is difficult and demanding. She thrives on challenges and is motivated by assertive leaders.
The culture in which they blossom
Best fit
Good fit
The ideal culture for them
Марина Логвиненко thrives in structured environments that are geared towards results. She is well suited to working with strict principles and guidelines, because she relies on them as points of reference. She appreciates work contexts where the utmost is done to facilitate work and to guarantee the attainment of goals. She prefers cultures where people are evaluated on their accomplishments and their exemplary efforts. In this sense, she will be motivated by a competitive culture which provides clear rules and sets specific objectives.
Their way of thinking
Preferred tasks
Capacity to work autonomously.
Tendency to move quickly from one task to the next, without lingering on obstacles.
Learning style
Ability to build on other people’s knowledge.
How they learn new skills and concepts
When it comes to learning new skills, Марина Логвиненко will progress faster through a practical approach. She finds it hard to assimilate information without seeing it applied practically first. She will do best if she is taught how to do something new or complex before she tackles it by herself.
Careful in her approach, Марина Логвиненко prefers to rely on proven strategies. She is observant and tends to adopt tried-and-true concepts that she can trust thoroughly. In this sense, she finds it easier to learn from information provided.
1992 Olympics: Shooting
Event | Score | |
Small-Bore Rifle (Prone) | Eun-Chul Lee, S. Kor | 702.5 |
Harald Stenvaag, Nor | 701,4 | |
Stevan Pletikosic, IOP | 701,1 | |
Смотрите на малой билле (три позиции) | GRACHIA Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian, Petikian.![]() | |
Robert Foth, USA | 1266.6 | |
Ryohei Koba, JPN | 1265.9 | |
Rapid-Fire Pistol | Ralf Schumann, GER | 885 |
Afanassis Кузьмин, ЛЭТ | 882 | |
Вочмянин Владимир, УТ | 882 | |
Свободный Пистолет (50 м) Констаньши 9 | 6 5 658.0 | |
Yifu Wang, CHN | 657.![]() | |
Ragnar Skanaker, SWE | 657.0 | |
Running Game Target | Michael Jakosits, GER | 673 |
Анатолий Асрабаев, UT | 672 | |
Любош Рачански, Чехия | 670 | |
Пневматический пистолет | YifN, Wang15 684.8 | |
Sergei Plianov, UT | 684.1 | |
Sorin Babii, ROM | 684.![]() | |
Skeet Shooting | Shan Zhang, CHN | 223 |
Juan Хорхе Гиха Яхур, PER | 222 | |
Бруно Россетти, ITA | 222 | |
Trap Shooting, Petr09 Crd 9 H0015 219 | ||
Kazumi Watanabe, JPN | 219 | |
Marco Venturini, ITA | 218 | |
Air Rifle | Yuriy Fedkin, UT | 695.![]() |
Franck Badiou, FRA | 691.9 | |
Иоганн Ридерер, GER | 691,7 |
Event |
Score | |||||||||||||||||
Sports Pistol (Three positions) | Marina Logvinenko, UT | 684 | |||||||||||||||
Duihong Li, CHN | 680 | ||||||||||||||||
Dorzhsuren Munkbajar, MGL | 679 | ||||||||||||||||
Small-Bore Rifle | Launi Meili, USA | 684.![]() | |||||||||||||||
Nonka Matova, BUL | 682.7 | ||||||||||||||||
Malgorzata Ksiazkiewicz, POL | 681.5 | ||||||||||||||||
Air Rifle | Yeo Kab-Soon, S. Kor | 498.2 | |||||||||||||||
Vesela Lecheva, BUL | 495.3 | ||||||||||||||||
Aranka Binder, IOP | 495.1 | ||||||||||||||||
Air Pistol | Marina Logvinenko, UT | 486.4 | |||||||||||||||
Jasna Sekaric, IOP | 486.![]() | ||||||||||||||||
Мария Грусдева, бул.